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Connie POV:
I sit in silence listening to Yellow Diamond bark orders to Jasper. I close my eyes and hum Steven's song that we sang when we played together. I continue to hum louder and louder so I drown out my thoughts. I start singing and then stop when I hear Yellow Diamond stop ordering Jasper. I feel the floor shake as her feet hit the ground.
"Alright human." Yellow Diamond says through the yellow wall.

"It's Connie." I hiss. Yellow Diamond crouches down to my height and glares at me.

"What did you say?" She demands. I sit up straighter gathering every once of confidence that I could muster.

"My names Connie. I'm not just a human. To Steven I know I'm more. And I know he's coming for me. And I also know that him and the Crystal Gems have 10x more power than you!"" I scream at Yellow Diamond causing her to recoil and fill her eyes with hatred. Jasper gasps and covers her mouth her eyes wide. Yellow Diamond reaches down and slaps me. I cry out as my cheek feels like it caught on fire. I look up at her with tears flooding my eyes.

"Nobody," she says in a dangerous voice."Talks to me that way." I give a brief nod. She smiles down at me and ruffles my head.

"Good huma-I mean, Connie." She motions me to stand up. I do as told, and follow her down a long corridor with Jasper right behind me. I lower my head as we turn a corner. I wanted to avoid eye contact with the other pleading gems that we passed. Yellow Diamond stops at a purple door and taps a hidden button. Jasper pokes my back hard and pushes me into the room. Like the door, the room was purple. A long yellow table rest vertically with two chairs at each end. Yellow Diamond takes the farthest chair. I sit down at the other side.

"Connie, please tell us more about the Crystal gems and this 'Steven'. We need all the information we need in order to take over earth and restart the kindergarten." She explains. I sit in silence hoping I showed no expression. Yellow Diamond stares at me her face darkening very minute. Jasper coughs and fiddles with her hair. I sigh.

"Fine. The Crystal gems are these protectors of the earth.If you mess with it, you mess with them. Steven is a half gem, half human." Yellow diamonds eyes widen as I talk about his parents. I stop and lie to them that is all I knew. Yellow Diamond buys my lie and nods.

"Tell me about yourself."

I look at her. " Well, as Jasper said I can fuse. And I'm the only human to fuse with a gem. I'm a sword fighter, but don't be too pleased.I swear if you use me for fusion and war, I will grab the nearest sword a poof all of you." I growl. Yellow Diamond considers this but the shakes her head.

"Your dismissed. You told me quite enough." Jasper pokes me with her wand. I jump at the wave of electricity passing through my body.

Jasper shoves me back in the cell and whispers to me,

"Be ready kid. Your about to get caught in trouble at any moment." With that news, Jaspers leaves me shaking in fear.

HEY GUYS! Sorry no Steven POV today. Next chapter I'll start with his POV. 'K? I don't want tomorrow to come. I have to get a needle shoved up my arm and suck my blood. (LOL sorry. TMI??) I hate doctors. ;-; Connie's mom would not approve of that sentence. BYYEEEEEE <3

I'll do it for her and I'll do it for him (a Stevonnie  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now