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Steven's POV:

I stand in front of a wall of rock with oval holes dotting it. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, I look up and see Garnet. She looks down and me and leads me to the room in the ground.

"Steven, we may have found a way to get attention." She explains to me as we quickly move past the the tall machines with spider like legs. My heart thud with excitement. Pearl was messing with wires while Amethyst was pressing a button every time Pearl ordered to. Amethyst presses the button as we walked in. The large screen statics. We all hold our breath. Finally, a clear image of a room pops up.

"I-it's a camera." Pearl says with her eyes wide. Amethyst gasps, "GUYS! LOOK!" She points at a tall figure walking across the room. The camera pans over and follows the figure. As the figure bends down the Crystal gems all gasp in unison. I squint. The figure had pale yellow hair parted in two triangles. The figure also had a well fitting yellow jump suit.

"G-garnet? Is that who I think it is?" Pearl questions with tears in her eyes. Garnet stays frozen with her mouth in a perfect 'o'. Amethyst covers her mouth and runs into a corner shaking. I start to get it.

Before I could point it out, Garnet tells us so quietly that we could barley hear her.

"It's Yellow Diamond. She has Connie."

The camera cuts off.


Connie's POV:

I look at Yellow Diamond in the eye. I narrow my eyes at her.

"No need to be sour dear. I have some great news!" She chirps at me.

My heart lifts in my chest, " Your letting me off the ship?!" She laughs like it's the funniest thing in the galaxy.

"N-no!" she gasps for breath. "You have an option. You can help us in the war and become one of us, or we'll kill you and your friend's planet after the war."

I froze. I feel my breath quicken and my vision go hazy. NO! Not options I want to go home and wake up in bed. Please let this be a dream! I-I can't betray my friends or Steven.

"Well?" Yellow Diamond's voice breaks my thoughts. I return to the real world. I sigh.

"How long do I have?" Yellow Diamond smiles.

"About a week or less." I nod at this news.

"I'll get back to you." Yellow Diamonds face sours. I can tell she's the type of gem who hates waiting. She stands up and walks out. Before she made it to in the hall, she stops.

"What's this." She walks up to a green floaty thing with a yellow light. I recognize it as a camera. Yellow Diamonds face flushes as she tries to turn it off.

"JASPER!" she screams. "No cameras after the 'incident'!" She orders Jasper to punch it down.

"Yellow Diamond! It's a message from the Kindergarten!" Jasper reports. Yellow Diamond clicks a button. A large screen pops up. I cry out in glee at who's faces I see.



Steven's POV:

I see Connie in a cell behind Yellow Diamond.

"Connie! Are you ok?!" I call out to her. Tears are spilling out of my eyes now. She looks fine. Except for a noticeable large bruise on the side of her face.

"What did you do to her!" I yell at Yellow Diamond who's staring smugly at me through the screen.

"Ah. Your Steven and these 'Crystal gems'! You want your Connie? Come and get her! Meet me at this very spot in the kindergarten tomorrow at the same time. You can have her. As long as you promise to exchange your planet for her." Yellow Diamond says in a loud clear voice.

"Steven! Please don't worry about me. I can do this my self! Just don't go there, you don't know what you'll cause if you do!" Connie pleads me.

Steven. It's all up to you. Do you want her, or your planet?

I'll do it for her and I'll do it for him (a Stevonnie  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now