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Connie's POV:

After I said those words, Stevens face falls.He stares at me with disbelief.

"C-Connie pleas tell me this is a joke." Steven stammers. I glance over to Yellow Diamond who gives me a thumbs up and a smile.  I smile at her, as she walks closer. I focus my attention on Steven and take a step back. I stand up straighter and let my face go expressionless.

"No Steven," I stare at him dead in the eyes. "This is not a joke. I can't believe I'm saying this, but, me going to homeworld, was the best design I made. Yellow Diamond came around to me and trained me until my skills were flawless, Steven. She treats me like her daughter. And thats pretty great treatment when you haven't seen you parents in four years. And I know sometime in the future, I'm going to regret my design and what I'm going to do next."  I hold his gaze and slowly lift my foot praying doesn't notice it. I stop it midway give a thumbs up behind my back. This was the secret signal me and yellow Diamond came up with to give the jump start into the battle. Steven's eyes harden as narrow my eyes at him.  I catch him off guard, and slam my heavy combat boot on his foot. He yelps and grabs his foot. My heart crumples as I remember my one and only friend get hurt, by me. I freeze and stare at him. He stands back up, winces sharply. He slowly raises his head and meets my eyes. I quickly regain my stance when his face fills with rage.

"What happened to you Connie? What did they do with your innocence?" Steven shakes his head. I scowl at him and scrunch up my shoulders. I see Yellow Diamond perfectly calm, like she knows that in the end, I'm going to win, while the crystal gems are uneasy and tense. I wrap my hand  the titanium sword handle, and slowly lift out of its case. Steven's reflexes kick in,he summons his shield, raises it up to me in defense. I slam my bad  to it's pink surface and push hard. Steven stumbles, but regains quickly. His eyes are coated over with shock as he looks at me. He shakes his head as fury drowns the lovable Steven I once knew.

"Fine. You wanna fight? Let's do it!" He shout at me. He rights himself with his shield, and lunges towards me.


Stevens POV:

A million thoughts race in my head as I leap towards Connie.

What happened to her? Did Yellow Diamond brain wash her? Is she serious? Am I really fighting my childhood love? Wait. I can't fight a girl! But It'll be embarrassing if I lose though.

Connie raises her sword and charges at me. She moves swiftly and lightly, like all the flaws of her sword fighting have been erased. I didn't have time to reacted when she moved behind me, kick the middle of my back. I catch myself before my face could hit the stone ground. Fiery pain pulses through my spine as I stand up to face her. Pearl is starting to draw her spear, but Garnet grabs her shoulder and nods. I close my eyes and throw the shield at her with my strongest force. It nails her in the gut, and she stumbles back. She looks at me with wide eyes and frowns.

"You hit me." She says tearfully "Why would you do that?!" Connie stops the sword and covers her face. I walk up to her unsure of what to do.

"Connie,I thought we were fighting? Am I wrong?" I question she stomps her foot on the sword handle, catches it in mid air and grins.

"Sike." I jump back as the sword tip tears a small rip in my coat. I stare at her with disgust. I laugh, in between gasps i manage to say,

"Girls. Alright not going easy!" I summon my shield, aim for her head and fling it. It knocks her in the head, she freezes like a deer in head lights. A small bright red dot of blood drips down.

"Steven. Go. I-I can't do this to you! Please just go somewhere safe." I don't know what she meant, but she looked dead serious. I turn and grab the crystal gems, sprint in on of the kindergarten holes. Pearl glances and me with disappointment.

"Steven? You okay?" Amethyst asks. I peek out of the hole and spot Connie approaching Yellow Diamond with confidence. She hands Yellow Diamond the sword and shakes her head.  Yellow Diamond fails to hide the rage, and slaps Connie across the face. Connie grabs her cheek and scowls. She takes Connie by the shoulder and throws her to the ground. I run with Garnet close on my tail, I shove Yellow Diamond into the wall, raise my fist and growl,

"You touch her again. Your dead." Connie grabs my should but I shake it off, and grab Yellow diamonds throat. Yellow Diamonds eyes shift towards Japser and nods. Jasper sifts uncomfortably, but turns around and pulls out something. She throws it to the  ground and runs in the opposite direction. I look back at Yellow Diamond who's grinning ear to ear.

"Since my warrior can't get rid of you, I'll just have to blow up the kindergarten to get this pesky earth!" She takes her free hand, punches be in the gut and runs towards Jaspers direction. Connie grabs my hand and shakes it.

"Steven lets go. Now!" The quiet tick of the bomb is getting faster and faster by the second. I start to run but notice that Connie is slowing down and that cut I made,it's more than a cut, I made a gash. Connie stumbles, and falls to the ground.

"Connie! Your head!" I point out. She tenderly touches the wound and gives a shaky smile.

"It's okay. Just a scratch. Come on-" She collapses in my arms and her eyes flutter. "Steven," She pushes herself off of me. "Go! I made the wrong choice to fight against you. This has to happen as my punishment"

I stand up. "Connie I can fix you!" I like my dirty hand and gag. "Hold still." As I near my hand she pushes it away. "Connie." I warn.

"Steven." She mimics weakly.

"Steven! Lets go!" Amethyst says from behind me. "Whoa. She okay?" I shake my head not looking at her. "Well, fix her and lets go!"

"Amethyst she doesn't WANT me to! She wants to die as her punishment! I'm not leaving her!" Connie mumbles something that I couldn't understand. Garnet and Pearl join her as I release whats happening.

Tick. Tick Tick. Tick tickticktickticktictik....

The bomb was about to blow. I stare down at Connie who was shallowly breathing, on the ground.

"Please Steven..." I hold my gaze, until Garnet grabs me on my should and pulls me. I grab Connie's hand, and drag her towards the farthest hole. I feel Connie stand up,I turn and look at her, and an anvil drops on my heart. She's not going to make it. her face is drained and the gash is still looking fresh and painful. She falls against me should and mutters,

"Steven. I am so sorry. Wrong side, wrong side! I've should've just stayed home that day we met, or we would not be in this situation! Steven. I can never fight you or hurt you." My  heart aches as I hear her say those things.

"Connie." I lift her head up so she could look at me. "The day I met you, was the best day of my life, and I never changed my mind about it. Connie please hang in there. I-I'll get you somewhere safe, and I won't leave your side. I promise."  The ticking stops and we hold our breath, waiting to let the world around us, shatter.

Ugh. My hands hurt! So sorry if this chapter sucks, I am super tired and schools being difficult right now, so don't expect any chapters coming in a day or two. At the end, did I make some of you guys go "COME ON! I CAN"T BELIEVE SHE LEFT US OFF LIKE THAT!" and if you didn't, I know your doing it on the inside...  Bye!!!

I'll do it for her and I'll do it for him (a Stevonnie  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now