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Connies POV:

I burst through the wall of the maze and get off track because of how beautiful it is. I shake my head and float over to the voices that were coming from the other side a small building.

" We don't want to fight you!" I hear Steven shout. Score! He's here!

" Then give me the my warrior, and the Earth while you're at it." Yellow Diamond says through gritted teeth. I peer over the side of the building, and roll my eyes at myself. Wait, I'm a ghost they can't see me. I walk out infant of Yellow diamond and did a not so nice gesture at her, and turn to Steven. Hot tears burn my eyes as I reach out and touch his hand.

"I'm sorry, Steven." I whisper. "I'm sorry I made you feel this pain." I take hold of his hand, only do devastate me more. My hand passes through his, and hits the wall. How can I touch the wall? I run my hands through its smooth surface, and enter the building. The first thing that catches my eye, is my body laying on a stone table. I go over to it cautiously and touch it. My body jolts, and gets even grayer and more translucent.

"Probably should not have done that." I tell my self. I continue to look around, and pick up Rose's artifacts and twirl them in my hands. I pick up a rock and notice some writing on it.


I know how curious you are, so I know you will find this. But something I learned from humans is how fragile and curious you are. Sometimes, this curiosity comes with a price. So I built this place for you to make sure you will be with me (most of the time). But, when I built this, the magic was weak and I sadly had to but a price to getting peoples life back--to take another life. So I put some magic on the place. The price is a gem. The gem's gem needs to be put in a small compartment and I'm 98% sure it will work .If only someone will be unfortunate enough to use this place.

Love, Rose

I drop the stone and back outside.

"SHE'S WHAT?!" Yellow Diamond screeches. Steven shrugs and apologizes. Yellow Diamond shakes with anger, and without a warning she punches Steven square in the jaw. Steven holds his jaw, with blood dripping down from his nose.

"I said sorry.Now, can you leave we are actually trying to bring her back to life." He says calmly, with a hint of irritation. Yellow Diamond takes a deep breath and pushes through him and the Crystal Gems.

"Steven," I use all my ghost energy to shake his arm. "Follow me!" Steven looked down at his shaking arm with confusion.

"What the-" I tug at his arm, and pull him towards a sandy spot. "Okay, what's going on? I've seen some pretty weird things but this is- whoa. What?" I had scrawled my name in the dirt and wrote 'Gems needed for sacrifice. Try putting a gem's gem in a compartment.' I stare up at him with wide eyes.

"I don't believe your Connie. Connies back on the table dead. Wait, Wait. Your are a ghost aren't you?" He cocks his head to the side. I face palm myself, and write 'Yes' in the dirt. I thought it was obvious, but Steven is typical Steven. My typical Steven of course. He turns around and goes back to the building; He looks at me one last time before closing the door behind him.


My mind is still reeling the fact that Connie was here, but not really. I look back at the dirt patch where I can make out an outline of a body crouching down and staring back at me. I shudder, and enter the small building. Yellow Diamond was kneeling over Connie's fading body, her body shakes with anger and she turns towards me.

I'll do it for her and I'll do it for him (a Stevonnie  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now