Dear Diary: It's A Secret

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Three Month Later

August 29th, 2015

Dear Diary:

Sometimes we have to live, not for the people around us, nor for our loved ones, but for ourselves.

Sometimes we have to stand up when we fall, not for others, nor for a show, but for ourselves.

Sometimes we have to let it all go, not for an act, nor for people, but for ourselves.

I had forgotten that. I forgot to live, to stand up when I fell, and to let it all go when the pain was too much to handle.

But with everything that happened I learnt once again. People walk into our lives at times, not to stay forever, but to stay for a little while, yet, they teach us a lesson which we would sometimes never forget.

Tyler, Damon, Anaya, Paisley, Asim, Adagio, Beauty, Beast, Romeo, and Victoria they all taught me something in life. Something I would never forget till the end of time.

I learnt in one way or another we are all heroes. Only becoming famous doesn't make you a true hero. What in reality makes you a hero is when for once we brighten someone else's day, when for once we put our feelings aside and think of others, or for once when we decide to forgive, forgetting all about the pain we have been through. If it wouldn't have been for the people in my life I would never know how it feels to be a true hero.

And I am thankful for the adventurous past I had because of them, all the people who came in and out of my life, and for me realizing how ungrateful I once was.

"Are you really leaving?" Asim asked me, as he leaned against his car, sunglasses shielding his eyes, hiding away his emotions.

I merely smiled, nodding my head in confirmation.

"At least let me carry your suitcase. I know you're superwoman and all, but just this one last time I want to do something for you, if you really are leaving," Tyler remarked, grabbing my suitcase from my hand, his violet blue eyes boring into my own.

Oh, how I would miss those eyes. But, I had to do this. I needed to be away from this place, from the memories. I needed to be somewhere else, needed to make new memories, and be away from everything I went through here.

University would be a new start for me. A way to move on, and leave everything that happened in the past.

He glanced at me one last time, it seemed like as though his eyes were begging me to stay. Yet, it was clear, for both him and I that I wouldn't stay.

"It's not like you guys aren't going to university," I defended my actions of why I was leaving this place, even though it wasn't needed.

"But not all of us are leaving without telling others where we are going," Anaya piped in.

I rolled my eyes, knowing I had no answer to as to why I had told no one about where I was going for university. The question had been left unanswered in my mind, may as well be left unanswered for the people.

I turned my attention towards the boarding house I had lived in for four years now. I would sure miss this place. What I couldn't get back with the people I called my family, I got here. A home, a place for once that I could call my home, without even ever realizing.

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