four ☎︎ suicide hotline

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finally, after an hour, it was time for the café to close. in total, calum had four hot chocolates and a cheese toastie.

winnie and calum had absentmindedly talked all day, about things that didn't really even matter. but it was the little things -- and that's what both calum and winnie loved.

"can you close up shop?" will asked winnie rhetorically. she was going to, of course.

winnie nodded and bid a goodbye to her acquaintance. after she heard the open sign flip to close and the door open and shut, she looked back at cal.

"so, why did you call the hotline, may i ask?"

calum's grin faded into a frown. "well," his adam's apple bobbed in his throat.

"you don't have to answer." winnie added, cupping his hand with her own.

"no, it's okay. i want to answer. but i don't actually know the answer myself." he giggled, causing her to smile.

"well-i guess i just needed someone to talk to. i wasn't particularly going to commit suicide on that day, but i thought about it. i just needed to know that someone cared. and that was you."

"so you're saying that if you had never of called the hotline, you wouldn't be here. right now. you would've left this shop a forever ago." winnie's eyebrows raised.

calum blushed, for no reason in particular, "yeah. i guess."

their eyes were glued to one another's before heavy footsteps barged into the door. cal looked up, seeing no other than ashton himself. "a-ashton?" he whimpered.

winnie held a confused expression before turning around to meet eyes with her boyfriend. "ashton?"

"why are you holding his hand?" ashton pointed toward their hands, questioning her in a soft tone.

winnie let go of calum as she stood up, making cal feel uneasy at the lack of touch.

"how dare you!" she yelled at ashton. ashton was puzzled.

"how dare you do what you did to calum. you're a disgusting person." she jabbed a finger in ashton's chest. "do you see what you've done? he was going to commit suicide because you're an asshole."

ashton frowned, he was losing his one happy place. but then he became angry toward calum for taking it away. he held the furious ash back though.

"god, i can't believe i love a complete douche." she shook her head. "no, what i can't believe is that i loved a life ruiner."

ashton let a tear slip.

"get out." she said, backing away from him.

ashton stood frozen. what was he supposed to do? his one thing that held happiness was leaving him because of some nerd with suicidal thoughts.

well, he thought, we have the same problems then.

"get out!" winnie screeched.

ashton flinched, his eyes screwing shut and his fists balling. a tear left his eye again, a few more chasing after it.

"please, ashton. get out."

ash took that as his cue, quickly spinning on his heel and walking out. he felt like shit, but then again so did calum.

calum's jaw was hanging open, before winnie backed into him. he held her as she looked toward the door. "im so sorry." cal said.

but, for some odd reason, she felt like she was the one who was supposed to be saying she's sorry.


i apologise for the lack of updates. i might possibly double update! just a reminder, this story will only be around 20 or so chapters because it's a short story.

dedicated to kasxrock! follow her and check out her story :-)

also, who ships wilum? (jk, no one reads this story.)

and who's excited for my joint story with bianca !! check out her stories too xx

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