fifteen ☎︎ suicide hotline

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winnie woke up the next day, with a smile on her face. but it immediately disappeared as she reminisced the events from the previous day. "jesus, what am i going to do?" she asked herself.

she picked up her phone and started scrolling through her instagram before her phone started ringing. calum.

winifred answered, "hi."

calum laughed, "morning baby, or should i say girlfriend." he wiggled his eyebrows and laughed.

"about that-" she was intervened by calum, who started talking about how they should go for a romantic dinner tonight.

that's a one way ticket to calum's dïck. not that she minded, but under the circumstances she was appalled. calum was rarely ever like that.

"so, what do you say? you know... la paz? really nice food." calum said, picking at his nails. he didn't even want to do this - in fact, he wasn't going to, but he would say he did because michael offered him a hundred dollars. and calum needed some money. but of course calum wanted to make his well unofficial first time with winifred, just not this way.

"what we be doing afterward?" winnie asked, biting her lip in worry.

"um nothing. we'd just head back to mine, you know. i have some important things that i want to do with you." calum said. he wanted to tell her about the whole take her virginity thing.

but winnie thought completely different. "you're disgusting, calum."

"wh-what?" calum choked out, sitting up in his bed.

"honestly. i heard you and michael yesterday, you butt dialled me. at first, i was like no he wouldn't agree! he's like a saint! but no, you did, and you will not take my virginity any time soon." winnie said, ending the call in a swift movement. she was proud of how she took it, and instead didn't cry.

calum was shocked. he was not going to do that. he immediately dialled michael's number and began yelling as soon as he answered.

"congrats michael, she broke up with me! all because she heard your stupid ass plan! like, i wasn't even going to do it and i was going to tell her tonight, but no that couldn't happen because i accidentally butt dialled and it's all your fault! so thaaaanks, buddy." calum yelled and rambled. he was so angry at michael, but more himself.

"oh dude, wow, okay. i'll go to her house and talk to her. it was a misunderstanding, she'll know." michael compromised.

"fine. but you better do it today, or i swear, i'm going to beat your ass."

"what, in fifa? because i'd like to see you try." michael smirked.

"don't go there, mate. or i swear, you won't see the daylight, even if i shove torches in your eyes." calum threatened and ended the call.

and for once, calum actually was worried about himself.


later that day, michael headed over to winnie's after having calum text him her address. he rolled his eyes as he knocked, knowing calum was probably crying his pretty little eyes out. winnie opened the door and went to close it, but michael shoved his foot in the door.

"come on, hear me out, winifred. it was a misunderstanding." michael persuaded, picking at his recently painted black nails.

"dude, you were the one with the plan. i think if anything, you should get the fuck out of my doorstep." winnie said, trying to close the door, but not even her weight would make it budge.

"oh come on. let me explain. it wasn't even calum's fault! i pushed him into it. and he wasn't even going to do it." michael said, slipping into the house. the door slammed behind him, winnie was obviously still trying to close it.

"what the fuck? how did you get in?" winnie avoided michael's words, trudging through her house and into the kitchen. michael followed suit as he sat at her counter, watching her make a sandwich.

"winnie, he wasn't going to. he was going to tell you tonight at dinner, or after, i don't know. but he wasn't going to do it." michael said, leaning forward to catch her attention.

"would you like something to drink or eat?" winnie said, continuing to avoid michael's some how persuading words.

"winifred! if anyone was losing something, it was going to be me and my money. you shouldn't hold a grudge over someone who's not at fault." michael slammed his fist on the counter, beginning to grow angry.

"then why would he agree? i fucking heard you guys talking, michael! he is not innocent!"

"jesus," michael muttered under his breath. "he said he would, so then i gave him the money i said i would - which was a hundred - and then he was going to take you to fucking, like, la paz, and spend the money. then after he would tell you about the plan that i made up. he was never going to do that, winnie. you have to believe me." said michael. he wanted calum to be happy, especially after his depression and all.

winnie thought about it for a second and her face visibly paled as she realised that what michael said was true. it all fell into place.

"i have to go get him back!"


might double update. idk but this story is ending soon wowow

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