Chapter Seventeen

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 *Day 90 (morning)*

Today marks around the third month of trying to protect the people. We’ve cleared almost all of the USA. We just have California left and we made walls up on all the borders so zombies can't come and destroy our work. Well, now only bordering California, Mexico and Canada. We have let the people go around in the zombie free parts of the world. Many would come, but there isn't much transportation.

We celebrated Louis's, Zayn's, and Harry's birthdays. We all got them something. I got them anything they wanted for that day and they could keep it.

It's now 2013. So many things have changed and we’re at March now (December, January, February, March… Feb. is 28 days and it wasn’t Dec. 1 when the world ended). The girls put their hair in a low ponytail while I put mine in a higher one. If I get mad the band breaks and I’ve lost 13 hairbands already. We’ve just moved to Yreka, California when we found trouble.

"Look!" Nina said pointing to a boy.

"Help! Help! Grey monsters are taking my family!" The 17-year-old teen said. I jumped off with Nina and Lucy since we’re the ones that fight more. Lucy and Nina have gotten a few more powers. They both got air bending (It's minimal though) and lighting power as well so they can concur up lighting. Nat and Zayn got together in the first month and so they’ve been together for 2 months. He asked her out by singing her a song. But then Nat had to go and help El and Dani with the others. Liam, Louis and Zayn send messages to their girlfriends everyday. I 'made' messenger hawks like in Avatar. I took a lot of ideas from avatar and other TV shows.

"Where?" I asked running with him but then Nina and I switched to earth bending and we carried Lucy and the boy. We got there much faster and saw the zombies nearby. Lucy blew the zombies away from the town’s people while Nina and I shot lighting at them. I then made my lighting go round. I can bend the lighting while they can shoot it. I blasted the lighting and Lucy and Nina made a cage and put all the zombies were in it. Nina then threw her ninja stars killing them. We knew though, that this was just a neighborhood not the whole town, so there were much more zombies to take care of. Once we were done, the boy ran over to us.

"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed.

"No problem. What's your name?" I asked.

"Adam." He said. I looked at him more. He had chocolate colored hair that was like Harry's hair that could be messy. He had blue eyes with silver strikes in them and he looked like he easily had a 6-pack. He had dimples and good fashion. His lips were plump, but not too big, just right for a boy. He had perfect straight teeth and you can tell he had strong legs. He chuckled and I realized I had been staring.

"Like what you see?" He said smugly.

"I've seen better." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Sure. I like your group." He said. I blinked in surprise.

"You want to join?" Nina said. "We may need more people." With that I elbowed Nina in the stomach. Then sent her a message through the mind. 'No we don't. He doesn't even have powers and we have enough. I'm already annoyed that I have to work with the jerk, Dylan. I don't want to work with him.' Nina then thought, 'too bad.' I rolled my eyes and exited Nina's mind.

"Why are you rolling your eyes?" Lucy asked.

"Talking to Nina." I simply said.

"Would I get powers?" He asked excitedly. Nina and Lucy looked at me.

"I'll only be with you guys for a little while if you want?" He asked hopefully.

"Hold on. Let me talk with my team." I said as I made messenger hawks out of thin air. I then sent a message to the boys. "We have 3 girls and 6 boys." I told them. They replied back with 4 yeses and 2 nos. I then looked at the girls and they were nodding too. I sighed. Then I forced a smile, which after 3 months people think it's real. "I guess you're in." I said as I touched his forehead and closed my eyes. His eyes glowed and then stopped.

"I gave you earth bending, force fields, better hand-to-hand, and super speed." I told him. "Now let's go. Whenever you want you can come back." I told him when I saw him look back at his family. I then grabbed him while the girls held onto my shoulders. Then we transported to the cliff.

"Hi again." I said. Dylan said something but I muted him from my hearing unless it was important.

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