Chapter Twenty-two

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*Day 100*

I taught Adam how to use his powers and he said he wanted to go back after he fought a group knowing he didn't want to deal with that. So I took back my powers and it was only Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Nina, Lucy, and I. I guess Lucy had her first kiss with Adam. Niall was upset but didn't show it. I only know because I listened to his thoughts. They broke up after a week because it wasn't working out. They went out when I was in a trance…

We weren't fighting today. We had cleared 1/5 of California already. So they were free. Not the rest though. But yesterday we put up force fields around all the towns and there had to be at least one in each. Humans could go in and out of them but not zombies. Zombies couldn't go in.

"Sam, are you ok?" Lucy asked.

"Do you know what day it is?" I asked glumly.

"No what?" Lucy asked.

"The 100th day of being freaks." I said.

"It feels like it has been 2 years." Lucy said sitting next to me.

"He-! What's up?" Liam asked. I just let out a depressed sigh.

"It's the 100th day of being freaks." I said.

"She sounds depressed." Lucy said. After a moment of silence, she screamed.

"Oh my goodness! She didn't say something sarcastic!" After 10 minutes everyone was up.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked.

"Why are you asking? You haven't talked to me much until that spell when I was in." I told him still staring at nothing but the ground.

"Because you seem to be nice and you made a big impact. Without you we probably wouldn't know what to do and somehow end up dying." Harry said. I smiled a tad bit at him.

"See there's your smile." He said. Then I sighed and he frowned.

"I want everything to be back to normal. Where we don't know who you were, we aren't fighting monsters, we aren't running away, we're at least a bit normal." I said.

"What if you tried something? You’ll have endless power. Maybe you can destroy all the zombies in one thing. Like destroy all of them but not the humans. It may tire you out, but you wouldn't have to fight anymore." Harry suggested.

"I don't know. I can't control my powers if they get too big." I said.

"Don't you want to try it?"

"How do I know I won't kill anyone?" I asked.

"Just think. All you have to make a spell that kills zombies." Harry said.

"That's harder than it looks." I stated.

"We could find a group and test it on them." He suggested.

"... fine." I gave in. He grabbed my hand and yelled that we were leaving for a bit and we left. I made a crater and a group of zombies fell in. I closed my eyes and focused my energy in front of me. There was a ball of white energy that looked pure. Soon it grew and grew. Then it lost control and spread. There was a blinding white flash.

I saw there weren't any zombies. I stomped my foot. Good the humans are still here. So are the animals. I guess that it pureed the Earth. Zombies aren't pure. I saw that the air seemed cleaner. I looked and saw Harry on the ground.

"Ouch." He said.

"That seemed to pure the Earth. OUR POWERS!" I gasped and tested them out. They were still there. I closed my eyes and replayed everything in my head. It only got rid of the zombies. There was a flash and only the zombies died. They were gone. They had turned to ash.

I fell. The energy I needed to do that the spell took up all my energy. I don't even know why we went to see the zombies. They didn't make a difference. Maybe it was to help me figure out to make a spell or push me harder, which didn't work. I just thought of an Earth without zombies. Something just came over me to do that spell thing. I don't know how I did it. I'm not sure. Harry came over to me once he was up. He started flying with a piece of rock on fire. I fell asleep next to him after I made sure I wouldn’t fall off.

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