Chapter Twenty-four

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"WE ARE SO DEAD!!!!" I screamed. Everyone was staring at me in silence. I then started to chuck rocks, huge rocks, at a tree. I kept making that tree stronger so it wouldn't break, but it broke 20 times. My hair was on fire and no one wanted to go near me. Every time I screamed the blazes soared into the air. My eyes were red with fire too. If I didn’t calm down, I would turn into fire.

I screamed and the blazes surrounded me in a ball. I calmed down a little so only my hair was on fire. I raised a huge chunk of earth and threw it at the space ship. It missed. Then a laser blasted us and then went back to what it was doing.


"Calm down. We will save the Earth. We did once, we can do it again." He said.

"No, we can't! What are we gonna do in 5 days!?!?! NOTHING!" I said panicking. Then Louis came up to me and then hugged me. Then while the one sided hug was happening he put a needle in my arm and everything went black.

*1 hour later*

"LOUIS! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" Lucy was screaming.

"I sorry! She was panicking and you have been yelling at me for an hour! AN! HOUR! HOUR! She should be up by now." Louis said getting annoyed at Lucy.

"I'm sorry Louis. Lucy, calm down." I said getting up. "Oh and by the way." I looked at Louis and made him rise and flung him around till he looked sick after 5 minutes. (longer than I thought he would last. No one wants to get flung by me.) Then I placed him down and he barfed.

"Don't stick a stupid needle in my arm. I may have been freaking out, but I don't like needles and everyone knows it." I grumbled. "So. What are we going to do? I was thinking running to a new planet." I said.

"We need to save this planet.” Harry stated.

"We need to save this annoying, horrible planet?" I asked. "We have... less than three days till an army of cute but weird guys or ugly aliens come and kill us all."

"Don't be a Debby Downer! You were doing really well too! You lasted 100 days without saying a hopeless thought." Lucy exclaimed.

"I thought it a lot, but it wouldn't do much if I said it out loud during the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE." I said to Lucy.

"Yeah but being a Debby Downer isn't going to help kill all the aliens. When I asked you how you were so brave just to jump in a pile of zombies to kill them, you said, 'I don't think of the present. I think of the future and how I want the world to go back to the way it use to be.' So think about that. And now do you know a spell that can make sure no more ships can come in?" I found a lot of spell books that people thought were fake, but weren’t.

"Well, I don't think this has ever happened before so, don't think so." I said.

"Can you look or try to make your own? You’ve already made your own spells a few times already." Lucy said.

"I'll try." I said snapping my fingers and some books came floating into my room. I was searching through books for hours since I had to concentrate on the purpose of each spell. I was exhausted once I actually found a good spell. After 5 books I found a spell to create a big shield, big enough for the solar system. It said, 'Protegamur potestatis, eripe ratio, nostro solari et nostra planetarum. Salva nos, Salva nos!' Which means 'Shield of power, save our system, our solar and our planets. Save us, Save us!' I knew Latin and had learned multiple languages from the quicker learning. It came in handy a lot. 

"Protegamur potestatis, eripe ratio, nostro solari et nostra planetarum. Salva nos, Salva nos!" Something shook a tad bit that only Earth benders could feel. I closed my eyes and saw the solar system. There was a semi-transparent circle surrounding the whole galaxy. I saw there were only three ships in total. Each with like 100 or so aliens on it.  

"WHY DID THE GROUND SHAKE!" Zayn came running in with Nina running behind him.

"One word. Spell." I said in a bored tone. “I was surprised they had a spell for what I was looking for, but almost all spells were in Latin”

“So? You can speak in Latin.” Nina rolled her eyes and then said “I told you so” to Zayn. They started making faces at each other and I rolled my eyes. I got up and went outside.

"Ah. Fresh sunlight." I said seeing how the last time I was panicking and then was passed out for an hour. I came out just in time to see the sunset. I saw that the campfire was already lit and so I sat on one of the logs.

Only around a million people left in the world and zombies are attacking us. How in the world did some of the animals survive? I sighed, got some noodles (dry) and then made a pot boil with water to cook the pasta. Then I grabbed some tomatoes and made them into a sauce with a bit of magic. I think things taste better when you do it yourself, though. But I had nothing else to make sauce with so I had to make do.

Soon enough it was time to eat. Niall came out first, then Liam and Louis, then Zayn and Nina, then Lucy, and then last but not least, Harry came. We started to eat around the campfire like we did every day.

"Hey guys. What are we going to do? We can't surrender the Earth and we can’t fight 300 aliens." I said.

"Cute Aliens." Lucy said.

"They looked weird when they showed their true form." I pointed out. Lucy rolled her eyes. "So...are we going to fight them? They actually have brains, unlike the zombies. Also if we do fight them I don't want it to be in this territory." I said.

"Were would we fight them?" Harry asked.

"We can make our own island and somehow transfer them over there." Zayn suggested.

"I like that idea." I said while the others nodded there heads. "Oh! Can it be like Mako Island from H2O? Except without the magic?" I asked. Zayn looked at me weirdly as he answered slowly.


"Sorry I like that show and there is a cave. I like caves." I said smiling.

"Why do you like caves?" Lucy asked amusedly.

"I like to play in them. I don't like when they’re dark though. But they’re a great fighting place." I replied. Lucy and Nina rolled their eyes. 

"So, how will we get the ship to follow us?" Niall asked with his heavy accent showing.

"I will do that I think... Well Lucy and I could while, Nina and Zayn could try making the island." I said snapping my fingers and there were folders of what the island looked like. "I can probably help the first day so we can see the outline of the island. But then Lucy and I have to go."

"Ok. Where would it be?"

"The ocean. But where you can still see the land of California." I replied. After talking a bit more about the battle plans we all went to sleep.

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