Chapter Three

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*7 hours later of training with weapons... And many accidents*

"Ugh. Why do we have to practice?" Niall moaned annoyed.

"So we can save the regular humans and not die out." I said.

"Whatever." Niall said as I started attacking him again. Here was what I found:


 -Good at: Good w/ hand-to-hand, and air blast... Wasn't suppose to use, dodging, bow and arrow

 -Bad at: Swords, Guns, Daggers


 -Good at: Swords (of course), daggers, hand-to-hand

 -Bad at: Guns, controlling fire, dodging


 -Good at: Daggers, Hand-to-hand, guns

 -Bad at: Swords, controlling his anger (flung rocks everywhere), dodging


 -Good at: Staying calm, swords, hand-to-hand, controlling his element

 -Bad at: Daggers, guns, dodging (thinks too much)


 -Good at: His powers (control), Hand-to-hand, shooting (Lasers and guns), dodging (not bullets, we tried with guns... at his legs), throwing daggers

 -Bad at: Fighting with daggers, swords, staying on topic, 


 -Good at: shooting guns (aim), controlling her power, daggers

 -Bad at: Dodging, hand-to-hand, swords


 -Good at: throwing ninja stars (gave only to her), Daggers, Controlling her powers, sneaking, hand-to-hand, dodging (Not with guns and swords though)

 -Bad at: guns, swords


 -Good at: her powers, daggers, dodging

 -Bad at: Swords, guns, hand-to-hand

Sam (me): Good with all weapons (and skills) except for sword catching (Got stabbed in the hand trying, and failing to catch it) Lucy and Nat had to work on my hand for 5 minutes.


I placed two of my new and improved swords into my hair to hide. I read about these swords in a fan fiction when the Internet was still up... I always wanted one so I made it with my powers. I also made a suit of armor for everybody that came from the same story... The suit of armor could change how you looked like. If Niall is out of the armor he can still do that. You could make the armor 'disappear' on yourself. You could also make it change your clothing, hair color, and eye color. But doesn't change your voice like Niall. Except Niall can't change his clothing with thought. I only made the swords for me so it's easier for me to grab and I’m the only one that knows how to use those swords. I can fight with a sword and they seem to have fun carrying one... If someone else touches the swords they are shocked and it hurts a lot. I put 10 daggers (using magic to fit them all, of course) in my boot with a bow. I put some arrows (Shrunk until outside of the boot) in my other boot. I told the others where I put some other weapons, like their shoes and clothing, which was under the bed I made for all of them... Sorry random thought. I then put another sword (non-magical, unless you count the protection spell against it) in the back of my shirt. I programed Lucy’s, Nat's, and my glasses to help with sight and analyzing things.

Also there was x-ray vision and other gadgets. I put two guns in my sleeves of my shirt. Then I put another in my boot... I have a lot of space in my boots because of my magic. I also made a huge bag of ninja stars for Nina and the stars go to her when she opens them. They can't hurt her if the cut her by accident. I made Harry and Liam swords that are light and easy to use. I made daggers for everyone... even if they can't use them... I also made everyone gloves to protect him or herself when fighting hand-to-hand. I also made some more stuff that I won't bother you with. I made so much stuff because I’m just that good and powerful and SOO not a Mary Sue.

Anyways, I took out all my weapons from my clothing and put them on my desk next to my bed because the day was already done. Everyone said goodnight and relaxed on the beds I made.

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