chapter -4- "feel worse when I'm dancin"

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"What is that person doing here ?" I said pointing at Brian

"He is the new DJ editor , why ? Is there a problem ?" The manager said

"Yes , he's my ex" I said

"Meghan I'm sorry I didn't know , but we don't have another person to replace him" the manager said

I walked fast and angrily to Brian ...

"Oh my god" Brian yelled

"You liar , are you stalking me ? You said that you will leave ?" I said angrily

"Meghan I'm so sorry I didn't know that I'm going to get hired for you , your manager just said that he has a job for me as a DJ editor and asked me to be at the airport today , he didn't mention you" Brian said

"Its true Meghan , we didn't have time to make a meeting or sign a contract or whatever" the manager said

"I'm sorry , I'm going to leave right Now !" Brian said

Brian grabbed his things and walked away ...

"Meghan!" the manager said and raised his eyebrows ...

"Brian , wait" I said

Brian turned around and looked at Me ...

"Just get inside the plane" I said

Brian smiled ...

We got into the plane and we went to newyork ...


We arrived to the hotel , everyone went to their room , I went to my room and I unpacked my stuff ...

I miss my cats ... Cody and mitenz , I wish they were with me right now ...

I liked some pictures and videos of my fans on Instagram and then I took a nab because I was exhausted and I have an album release party tonight , I have to sing three of my new songs and the hardest one is 'better when I'm dancin'" because I need to move in it , but I agreed with my manager to change the choreography that I don't move a lot in the performance but still I'll have to dance a little ...

/4 hours later/

I woke up , I went and took a shower and then I changed my clothes , it was time for the album release party ...

We went to the party place , a lot of megatronz were standing there waiting for me ... That's really cute , I love my megatronz very much ...

The album release party started and I announced that the album is now available to buy on iTunes , and then I sung two of my songs ...

It was time to sing " better when I'm dancin'" ...

Kelsey , michi and two other dancers joined me on stage and they started dancing when I started singing ...

'Show the world you got that fire , feel the rhythm getting louder , show the world what you can do , prove to them you got them moves , I don't know about you but I feel better when I'm dancing , yeah yeah , feel better when I'm ..... ' I was singing when I did a turn over move and my body started aching , my belly was hurting me and I kneeled on the floor ...

Some people were looking at me laughing , I can't ruin this , I must find a way to fix it ...

Suddenly I smiled and stood up and started singing 'yeeeeeeeeah but I feel better when I'm dancing , yeah yeah , we can do this together , don't you feel better when you're dancing , yeah yeah' I sung trying to cover the pain in my body , people thought that it was a kind from the choreography that I fall to the floor because I'm hurt , but then I stand up and dance to feel better ...

The performance was over and I thanked everyone and I went backstage and I took a seat to relax my body ...

Gosh why did I write this song 'feel better when I'm dancin' , I actually feel worse when I'm dancing , why didn't I write a song 'feel better when I'm sleeping' .

"What you did back there was great" my manager said

"Thanks , I couldn't ruin the show , but I'm not feeling good right now , I think that I may need to see a doctor" I said

"The party is finishing soon , then we will take you back to the hotel so that you can take some rest , it's pretty late right now for a doctor , we will take you to a doctor tomorrow's morning" my manager said

I nodded my head ...


We returned to the hotel and I layed on the bed immediately , I was going to sleep when I heard someone knocking the door ...

I got up and I opened the door ...

It was Brian holding a cute white Maltese with his hands ...

"Brian ?" I said

"Hi Meghan listen I'm sorry about the airport today I honestly didn't know that I was going to work for you , I should have asked , but whatever I'm here to give you an apology gift , this is 'biggie' , I got him for you today , I hope you accept my apology" Brian said and he gave me biggie ...

"Brian he's so cute but you really shouldn't do this" I said

"I wanted to do this" Brian said

"Thank you , biggie is the best thing that happened to me today" I said

"Take care of her" Brian said talking to biggie ...

I smiled ...

"You're probably tired and you need to take some rest , I'll be going right now" Brian said

"Bye" I said smiling

Brian nodded his head and he left , I closed the door ...

You could say that all of what happened to me today was like never happened and I spent two hours playing with biggie and posting pictures and videos of him on Instagram , I didn't feel tired ...

But after a while I went to the bed and fell to sleep with biggie sleeping by my side , thank you Brian ...

Hey guys , thanks for reading , I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter ... I've had 'better when I'm dancin' on repeat since it came out ... I'm in love with the song !!!!
Picture of biggie on the side
Next chapter comes either tomorrow or after tomorrow ...
With love , me

like i'm gonna lose you (marlie) (meghan trainor and charlie puth fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now