chapter -17- "tragic"

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Charlie returned back , he opened the door , entered and then closed it behind him .

I was crying but in less tears , and more anger !

"Meghan , why are you crying , are you OK?" Charlie Asked as he ran into me fast .

I didn't answer him .

"meghan talk to me what's wrong?" Charlie asked

I picked his phone from the bed and gave it to him .

"you went through my phone" Charlie asked

I didn't answer , instead I cried more

"you saw the texts between me and Hailee" Charlie asked

I nodded my head while crying .

"no Meghan it's not what you think it is" Charlie said

"stop talking" I said

"listen to me , it was just a prank me and Hailee were doing on Shawn" Charlie said

"I need some air" I said

I got up and I was on my way going out of the room , Charlie followed me and interrupted me

"Meghan please just let me explain" Charlie said

"let me have some fresh air first" I said just trying to get him out of my way

"do you want me to come with you?" Charlie asked

"no , I want to be alone" I said

"OK , I'll be waiting here for you , Come when you're ready to hear me out" charlie said

I nodded my head .

I got out of the room , I walk walking in the hallway to the elevator , thinking of the whole Situation .

My head was hurting me so bad , I touched my forehead , my temperature was high as hell .

The elevator's door got opened and there were three people in it going down , my head was hurting me and I was breathing hardly and I wanted to be the only one in the elevator.

I didn't get to the elevator , I went to the stairs .

The hotel ground floor is two floors down .

I was walking down slowly , my head was hurting me more as I was thinking Charlie and his text messages with Hailee.

Suddenly I slipped down , I was crumbling down on the stairs.

Charlie pov :

Kelsey was running my way , I was in the hospital.

"Charlie what happened? Is Meghan OK?" Kelsey asked

"I don't know , she fell from the stairs of the hotel" I said

"is she fine , is the baby fine?" kelsey asked

"I don't know , the doctors are examining her right now" I said

"is there something wrong between you and her ?" Kelsey asked

"it's hard to explain" I said

Meghan's manager was walking towards us .

"Charlie , where is Meghan ? How is she? " Meghan's manager asked

"I don't know , she's in the emergency room right now" I said

I was feeling sad and angry at the same time , sad because of what happened to Meghan , and angry because it all wouldn't happen if Meghan wasn't so dramatic and if she just heard me out .

The emergency room's door was opened , one of the doctors got out and he was walking towards us .

"doctor , how is Meghan? " Kelsey asked

"her fall was very hard , it damaged her body very much , she won't be able to walk for at least two weeks" the doctor said

"will she be fine?" my manager asked

"she will with time?" the doctor said

"the tour has officially been ruined , I'll call and cancel all the schedules , it was a stupid idea to continue it with all the events that have happened" Meghan's manager said

"I'll continue mine" I said

"you will" my manager said and he nodded his head surprising

"doctor can we see Meghan? " Kelsey asked

"as I said before she is in a coma right now so you she won't hear you of you say anything , and it's better for her to stay alone until she wakes up , she need some rest , but you can look at her from the glass window" the doctor said

"thank you doctor" I said

The doctor nodded his head , "I'll keep you updated on her" the doctor said then he left .

Me and Kelsey went to look at Meghan , she was laying on the bed , someof her body was bandaged , it was difficult to see her like this .

At some point I feel like It's my fault , I should have told her about everything , but I also feel like its her fault for being so much dramatic , she has always been way too sensitive.

I started remembering the times when she was so dramatic and bad things happened because of it .

When she broke up with me and sang "bad blood" to me back when we first got into college , when she broke up with me because she thought that our relationship is causing us troubles , when she kissed Brian because she used to date him , so many other times .

Me and Kelsey just kept looking at Meghan .

/after some time/

The doctor was walking towards us.

"doctor , anything new? , how is the baby" I asked

"I came here to talk about that , the fall was so hard and Meghan fell directly on her belly , it's not mainly because of the fall but we discovered that your wife has a miscarriage" the doctor said

"what are you trying to tell me? " I asked

"your wife , she lost the baby" the doctor said

Hey guys thanks for reading , regarding this chapter it's the last tragic chapter I'm making sorry I had to make it , I'm just not ready to write about Meghan and Charlie having a baby I had to get rid of it.

So basically Charlie unfollowed Meghan on instagram in real life , I'm very disappointed in you Charlie , really disappointed.

My exams are starting tomorrow yay I'm screwed up , new story is coming soon BTW.

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