19. Sugar Can't Cure

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Chapter 19: Sugar Can't Cure - No Capes

~•^*^•~Alek's POV~•^*^•~

-@- 2 weeks later -@-

Elaine and I were at the hospital waiting for her appointment. The doctor called yesterday to tell Elaine that she could get her stitches removed and get her meds. Elaine was bouncing her leg and she bit her lip. I could tell she was nervous. According to the doctors in Boston, she could have not made it if we weren't there right on time. I grabbed her hand and smiled at her. She was wearing a grey sweater, skinny jeans, and some Doc Martens. Her hair was a bit messy but was still clean and made her look gorgeous. Her blue eyes sparkled but was still filled with fear. She smiled nervously at me and I squeezed her hand that I was holding and gave her a kiss on the temple.

"Elaine Blake." The nurse called. We stood up and walked hand in hand. The nurse led Elaine into the room. She asked me to stay out of the room while they checked her out. Elaine gave me a look but I beckoned her to go and nodded my head. After a few minutes I was allowed to go in. Elaine was all changed now and the doctor was talking.

"Looks like she's going to be ok. She would have a small scar but it will go away over time. Luckily it wasn't a big wound and it was treated right away. I sent a prescription to your local drug store." Elaine sat there with her legs crossed on the bed. I nodded my head and the doctor went on.

"So if you have any questions later on just call me. It was good seeing you again Elaine. Say hi to Steven for me." He said and left the room.

"Oh Ze and I are close to his family." Elaine said seeing the look of confusion on my face. She hops off the bed and stands next to me. I place my arm around her shoulder and bring her in for a hug. I put my chin on her head and chuckle. I was easily at least 6 inches taller.

"Hey stop that. I know I'm short but no teasing!" She grabs her stuff and we walk out pushing each other and laughing. I decided to go to the Creature House to go see everyone. When we got there she practically sprinted inside and dragged me with her. After her accident, she has barely left the apartment except to get groceries. Not going to lie the past 2 weeks have been difficult. It's been obvious that she's grieving and trying to work on her own happiness. I've wanted to help her as much as I could but she would refuse it most of the time. She burst through the door and screamed,

"WHO MISSED ME!" Right after she said that the sound of footsteps came from upstairs.

"ELAINE!" I heard James scream. Her turned around and she jumped on his back.

"Onward my steed!" She tells pointing towards nowhere. He ran around and Elaine squealed in delight. They disappeared into the next room and I kicked off my shoes. Inside I was super happy that Elaine was happy and enjoying herself. It finally feels like she was becoming herself again. Sly walked through the door and plopped down next to me.

"Hey listen I've been thinking. Since Elaine and you will be in North Carolina for 5 years, Natalie and I may move in with the Creatures. Jake and Whitney are going back to Massachusetts so Jake can be with his band."

"That's fine. After Elaine finishes college is it ok if we stay here as well. I mean Elaine seems more happy here then alone at the apartment."

"Dude we would love that. Everyone likes Elaine and you." I chuckle and Nova flies by with Elaine still on his back. I smile and lean back on the couch. Seamus walks down and has a stupid grin on his face.

"What's the face for?" I asked. He sits down next to me and He glances back at Elaine and James acting like little kids. James was making weird sounds and running around while Elaine was laughing and screaming with delight holding onto James.

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