His first time meeting your parents

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Harry: You and Harry were going out to dinner with your parents. You could tell he was nervous as he was looking himself over in the mirro for like the third time tonight, You went up behind him and said "they'll love you you have nothing to worry about." He spun around and wrapped his arms around your waist and he said "I just hope they see how much I love you." You smiled and said "they will." You peaked his lips then he drove you and himself to the restront.You guys got to the restront and found were they were siting you hugged your parents and said "mom dad this is Harry, Harry these are my parents." Harry shook their hands and said "it's very nice to meet you." Your mom said "it's nice to finally meet you too." You guys ordered you drinks and food and waited for them to come out, your mom said "I never thought that my daughter would ever date her celebrity crush she said she was going to but we never thought it would come true." Harry laughed and gave you a side hug you were blushing like crazy. You guys left the restront and harry said "they love me." you said "told you." you were happy they loved him.

Niall: The two of you were heading out to lunch with your mom and dad Niall drove and you can tell he was nervous you rubbed his leg and said "they'll love you don't worry." He said "you think they will?" You said "I know they will."you got to the place they were at and found them you hugged them and said "mom dad this is Niall,Niall these are my parents." He shook their hands and said "nice to meet you Mirs. and Mr. YLN." Your mom said "you can call me YMFN." You guys sat down and ordered your drinks and food and waited for them to come out you and your mom were talking about other things and your dad and Niall were talking about soccor. Your mom said to Niall "once you get him talking about soccor he won't shut up just warning you and that's also like YN with your band and 5SOS." You blushed and Niall laughed and put his arm around you and said "don't worry YMFN that's why I love her and I also talk a lot about soccor too." your mother smiled and you were happy your parents loved him once you and Niall got in the car you said "I told you they would love you." Niall said "you were right."you smiled happy they loved him.

Louis: you were going to your parents house for dinner they invited the two of you over You guys got to the house and Louis took a deep breath you said "they'll love you don't worry." You took his hand and squeezed he said "okay I trust you."  You walked up to the door of your parents house and walked in. You hugged your mom and dad and then said "mom dad this is Louis,Louis this these are my parents." he shook their hands and said nice to meet them then you helped your mom cook dinner and set the table as your dad and Louis hung out they were watching the game and they were both into it. you smiled at the two of them then you called them in for dinner after dinner you guys just talked and your mother said "never thought this would happen our daughter dating the boy of her dreams." you blushed and louis smiled at you and gave you a side hug and said "well I'm dating the girl of my dreams." You smiled at him you were happy your parents liked him.Once you guys left you said to Louis "I told you." He said "you were right." You smiled happy your parents loved him.

Liam: you invited your parents and liam over to your appartment you were making dinner for them. Liam came in and your parents were with them you said "so I guess you guys already met." Your mom and dad said "yeah we did and we like him." You smiled and were happy they liked them your mom helped you set the table and bring the food out Liam and your dad were talking about watches you smiled happy they got a long so well and your mom said "I still can't believe  my daughter is dating her idol." you blushed and Liam gave you a side hug and said "I can't believe I'm dating one of my fans, but I love her so much."You smiled and said "I love you too." You were happy your parents liked him.

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