Telling the boys your engaged

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Liam: you were heading to the studio with him, you guys got there and he said hi to the boys so did you, they loved you so you knew this would be easy to tell them. You said "guys liam and I have something to tell you?" Lottie was there to so you wouldn't be the only girl she gasped and said "are you..." You said "no I'm not pregnant ." She said "oh my gosh he finally popped the question!!!" She squealed and you said "yup we're engaged!!!!" The boys congratulate the two of you, they were happy you were finally going to be part of the 1D family.

Louis: you were heading to a party at Niall's house since the tour just ended you got to his house and walked in the boys said hi to the two of you guys said hi back then you went to hang out with sophia and Lottie, Sophia said "is it true?" You said "is what true?" She said "lottie said he purposed to you please tell me it's true." You showed her the ring and smiled and said "it's true." She squealed and said "oh my gosh I got go tell Liam."

Then she was pulling you to Liam you looked at Louis and said "she know's Lottie told her." He said "of course she did."Liam said "lottie told sophia what?" as you were about to say it Sophia said "that their engaged!!" They all cheered and said congrats to the two of you they were happy you were part of the 1D family now.

Niall: you were headed to Louis's house to watch the soccor(football) game,you guys got there and knocked on the door Louis answered and gave you a hug and did his hand shake with Niall you guys walked in and sophia and Lottie came running down the stairs and said at the same time"is it true?!?!?" you said "nice to see you girls too but is what true?" Lottie said "is it true you and Niall are engaged!?!?" You said "yes it's true!!!" And showed them the ring They squealed and Louis walked in and said "what is all the squeal about we hear enough of it on tour and in the streets." Lottie rolled her eyes and said "the squealing is about Niall and YN being engaged!!!" Louis turned to Niall and said "is that true." Niall nodded Louis gave him pat on the back and said congrats and so did the others they were so happy you were part of the family now.

Harry: you guys just got to his concert and were back stage Lottie and Sophia came running to you and said "Is it true?!?!?!" You said "nice to see you to girls." Sophia said "well is it?!?!?!" You said "is what true?"Lottie said "are you and harry engaged?!?!?" You said "yes we are!!!!" You showed them the ring and They screamed and squealed then hugged you.

The boys walked in and Harry laughed and said "I'm gussing you girls know now since you girls were screaming and squealing." They nodded their heads and harry already told the boys they were happy for the both of you.

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