Your child meets their baby sibling for the first time

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Niall: you were siting in the hospital bed with your baby daughter while Niall went to get some real food. She was sleeping in your arms when Niall came back and said "look who I found?" It was James and the boys and their wives you smiled said "hi you guys." James came running over and jumped on your lap Niall said "carefully there boy." James looked at the sleeping baby in your arms and said "she's cute." You smiled and said "want hold her?" He nodded he sat down on the bed and you handed Brianna to him and he said "I'm going to protect her with all my heart." That melted yours and Niall's heart you smiled and said "awe you will defiantly." James smiled at you and Niall and said "she's not allowed near any boys when she's older." You chuckled and Niall said "I taught you well little man." You smiled happy your family have grown.

Harry: you were feeding your new born son then he finished and you were burping him. Harry came back with really food and said "found a little some one while out?" You smiled once you saw Sophie and the boys and their wives you said "hey guys." They said "hey how are you feeling?" You said "sore and tired." Cherly said "that's normal." You said "I know." Sophie came over to you and said "can I hold him?" You said "sure come sit down on the bed." She sat on the bed and Harry got Carsen and handed him to Sophie she smiled and giggled and said "he's cute." You smiled happy she loved him Harry came next to you and smiled at the two of them you guys were happy your family was growing.

Liam: you were resting on the bed with your new born son on your chest Liam came back from the store and said "look who I found?" Jessie and the boys and their wives came in you smiled and said "hi you guys." They said "hi YN."

Then Jessie came over and gasped and said "he's so tiny." You said "yeah want to hold him?" She nodded and she sat down on the bed and your carefully gave him to her she had a giant smile on her face she was so happy to have little Andy here she loved him already you and Liam were happy she did and knew they were going to get along so well.

Louis: you were sleeping while your new born daughter was too. You woke up when the door opened and Louis Walked in with Tommy and the others, tommy ran over to you and said "where is she?" You said "she's sleeping but she's probably awake now." Tommy sat on the bed and Louis got tori out of her cribe and she was awake Louis handed her to Tommy and Tommy said "she not a loud near any boys when she is older because she's mine."you Louis and the other laughed you and Louis were thrilled that Tommy loves his baby sister. You guys knew that he was going to be a great older brother to her.

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