His family meets the baby for the first time

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Harry: you were sleeping until you heard a little cry you got up and picked up your little bundle of joy she was hungry so you feed her, after she was done you burped her then you just held her then Harry walked in with breakfast and said "we have some vistors." He opened the door and gemma and Anne walked in you said "hey you guys." They said "hi YN how are you feeling?" You said "sore and tired." Anne said "I bet."

Then you handed her to Harry and he showed them her they said "awe," then he passed her to his mom and then to gemma, Gemma said to her "you are going to get spoiled rotten." and tapped her little nose, you said "oh great." Gemma giggled and said "did you not expect that to happen." You said "no I knew it was from the moment she was born."

Then Anne left and gemma stayed a little longer then his cousins and dad and step dad walked in the all adored her then you said to Gemma "we were wondering if you would like to be Sophie's godmother?" She said "I would love too." She was happy.

Liam: you were resting then Liam walked in with lunch and said "I brought guest with me."  And in walked in his sisters and parents you said "hi guys." They said "hi yn how are you feeling?" You said "sore and tired." Karen said "I bet." Then Liam picked up Jess and showed her to them and passed her around they loved her and you knew she was going to get spoiled, they stayed for a hour then you said to Nicola who was still there you asked her "would you want to be Jessica's godmother?" She said "absolutely." She was happy and you were happy she was finally here.

Niall:you were sleeping with James on your chest then there was a knock you said "come in." And in walked in Niall and his family you said "hi guys." They said "hi yn how are you?" You said "sore and tired but good." Denise said "I know excatly how you feel I felt the same way 12 years ago." You smiled and said "I remember That day." She smiled and Niall took James from you and passed him to his family, then you asked "Denise would you like to be James's godmother?" She said "I would love too." She happy and you guys were happy he was here.

Louis: Louis went out to get some real food for you guys he came back with his family they walked in and you said "hi guys." They said "hi yn how are you?" You said "sore and tired but good." Jay said "I know how you feel accept I felt the same way a long time ago." You giggled and said "yeah." Then Louis picked Tommy up and handed him to his family, then you said to Lottie "would you like to be his godmother?" She said "I would love to she was happy and you knew that Tommy was going to be spoiled,

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