Your child gets their shots

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Niall: you and Niall were taking your 3 year old son to get his shots. You guys walked into the doctors office and said "daddy I don't want to get these." Niall said "I know buddy but you need them to stay healthy." They called you guys back and James hopped up on the table you said "hold my hand and look at me okay." He nodded the nurse came in with the needles and then wiped Jame's arm he started freaking out you said "just look at me and daddy focus on us and our voices." He started to calm down then the needle went in and they were all done. Niall said "I'm proud of you buddy." James smiled and the nurse gave him a lollypop then you guys headed home.

Harry: right now you and Harry were trying to get Sophie in the car because she knew she was getting her shots today and she didn't want them. You said "come on Sophie the quicker we get there the quicker the shots are done and carsen is already in the car." She said "I don't want them." Harry got to her Level and said "I know baby but you need them their good for you." She nodded then she finally got in the car you guys drove to the doctors office and waited then they called you guys back Sophie sat on harry's lap and then the nurse came in with the needles she wiped her arm and Sophie whimpered Harry said "you'll be fine." He sung to her quietly and she didn't even realize the shots were done the doctor gave her a sticker and a lollypop you said to her "see it wasn't that bad." Sophie said "yeah it wasn't." Then you guys went home.

Liam: your daughter fought the whole way to the doctors office she was screaming and crying before you guys walked in Liam said to her "Jess you got to calm down it won't hurt that bad it will feel like a pinch okay." She calmed down and started hiccuping then you guys brought her inside you guys waited until they called you guys back. Once they did you guys walked back and Jess sat on Liam's lap and whimpered he said "shh you'll be fine I would never let anyone hurt you." He then just talked to her and she didn't even realize they gave her the shots already. The nurse gave her a lollypop and Liam said "see I told you you're fine." Jess smiled and said "yeah." Then you guys headed to a store because you need to get somethings.

Louis: Tommy kept on asking you and Louis if he had to get the shots and you guys kept on giving him the same answer Louis said to him "son it won't hurt okay you'll be fine." You guys walked in and waited to get called back once you guys did you guys headed back. Tommy sat there and waited for the doctor to come in the doctor came in with the shots he rubbed down Tommy's arm tommy was watching the whole time then the doctor put the needle in his arm and Tommy said "that didn't hurt." Louis said "see I told you."

Then Tommy got a lollypop and a sticker. You said "he is a brave boy." Louis said "yeah we raised him well." You guys then went home.

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