The baby crawles for the first time

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Niall: you and Niall were siting on the couch as James was laying on the floor then all of a sudden he turned over and pushed him self up and started crawling but then he fell once he got near you two Niall got it all on tape you and him smiled and you said "good job baby boy." He giggled, you and Niall smiled at him.

Harry: Sophie was on the floor while you and Harry were talking then all of a sudden she turned over on to her stomach pushed her self up and started crawling she crawled to you and Harry and then fell, you said "good job baby girl."she giggled and then Harry said "now we have to child proof everything." You said "yup."

Louis: you and Louis were watching tv when Tommy was on the floor laying there then he turned over on to his stomach and then he pushed his self up and started crawling he made it half way to the two of you until he fell. You smiled at him and said "good job little man." He giggled and you smiled at him and so did Louis then Louis got up to child proof everything.

Liam: you and Liam were in the livingroom, Jessie was laying next to you two then she got on her stomach and got on her hands and crawled over to the playpin then she fell you smiled and picked her up and said "good job baby girl." She giggled then Liam said "I'll child proof everything now." He got up and did that.

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