Honey moon

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Harry: He took you to the bahamas, it was beautiful there the beaches were amazing and the restronts were good to he took you to all the fancy ones.

You guys got the honeymoon sweet which gave you the view of the beautiful blue ocean and it had a porch on it you walked out on the porch and just viewed the beautiful view your newly husband harry came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head on top of yours you smiled and said "it's beautiful." He humed and said "not as beautiful as you." You turned around and stood on your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, he then said "now do you want desert?" He smirked at you and you said "oh I would." and smiled at him he picked you up and carried you to the bed and let's just say you guys had a lot of fun that night😉

Liam: he took you to Italy It was beautiful you guys ate at amazing restronts and the food was amazing than you guys just looked around the beautiful towns.

You guys got to your hotel and you guys walk in and you were amazed it was beautiful there was a balcony off you room it had a beautiful view of the beautiful beachs he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you and says "like the view." You said "it's beautiful." He said "yeah but not as beautiful as you." You turned around and stood on your tippy toes and peaked his lips he said "want to have some fun now?" He smirked at you and you smirked back and said "oh yes let's." Let's just say you guys probly kept the neighbors up all night😉

Louis: he took you to calafornia it was beautiful you loved it especially la, you guys went to a bunch of restronts and walked around the city.

You guys got to your hotel room and it was beautiful you guys just cuddled on your bed than louis said "want to have fun?" He smirked at you and you smiled at him and said "oh yes I do." Let's just say you guys had a blast that night😉

Niall: he took you to Australia it was beautiful you guys went to all the beaches and good BBQ places around the place you were staying at.

You guys got to your hotel and it was right next to the beach you guys walked into the honeymoon sweet and you stood there amazed you walked in and put your bags down it was beautiful you loved it you were staring at the window when Niall came over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head on top of yours you guys stood there in silents just enjoying the peace then Niall said "want desert?" and smirked at you and you turned around and said "I would love it." Lets just say the people next to your room weren't happy😉

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