You want a second child

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Louis: you were watching as your son Tommy was playing with Liam's 1 year old daughter you smiled at the two of them Louis came up behind you and wrapped his hands around your waist and his head on your shoulder he said "what are you thinking about?" You said "I was just thinking how cute Tommy is with Jessie." He hummed and said "are you saying you want another one?" You looked at him and smiled and said "yes I do, do you?" He smiled and kissed your lips and whispered in your ear "yes I do let's start now Liam won't mind." You giggled and then Louis told Liam he was heading to the guest room with you Liam said "have fun." And winked at you, you blushed and then went to have some fun with louis😉

Liam: you and Liam were having a party at you house the boys and their wives and kids were there Harry's wife just had a baby a month ago Jessie wouldn't leave the baby's side she was holding the baby and said "look mommy look." You said "I see." She said "I want one." You said "you want a baby sister or brother?" She said "yeah." You smiled at her and then went into the kitchen where Liam was you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist he turned around and said "hey what's up?" You said "you know what Jessie just told me." He said "what did she tell you?" You said "she wants a little sister or brother." He smiled and said "you want another one?" You smiled and kissed his lips and said "yes I do, do you?" He smiled and kiss you back and said "yes." You smiled into the kiss then Louis said "get a room you two." You blushed and then Liam said "we'll be back." You smiled and he took your hand and you guys headed upstairs and  had some fun😉

Harry: Sophie came home from school and said "mommy daddy I want a little sister or brother." You said "you do?" She said "yeah." You smiled at her and said "okay I'll see what I can do." She squealed and went up to her room, Harry came home from the studio and saw you in the living room he said "hey babe." And peaked your lips you said "hey you know what Sophie told me today." He said "what did she tell you?" You said "she said she wants a brother or sister." Harry smiled and said "do you want another one?" You said "yeah it's the right you?" He said "I would love another one." You smiled and he kissed you then deepened the kiss lets just say she was going to get one soon😉

Niall: James was with his friends at the park he was playing his friends and their little sisters, when you guys got in the car James said "I want a little brother or sister." Niall looked at you and you said "well maybe you'll get one soon." He said "really?!?!" You said "yeah." Once you guys got home Niall said "you want another?" You said "yeah do you?" He said "of course let's start now since James is busy." You smiled at him and he picked you up and carried you to you guys room. Let's just say you guys were having a blast😉

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