First time meeting his parents

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Niall: you were heading to Niall's house to meet his parents you were nervous but Niall said they would love you and you trusted them. You got to his house he took your hand and you guys walked in he hugged his parents and said "mom dad this is YN,YN these are my parents." You said "nice to meet you mirs. and Mr. horan." and you shook their hands his mom said "you can call me mauren." You smiled at her then you guys sat in the living room and just talked they loved you already and were happy you were dating their son.

Harry: You were heading to harry's parents house, you were nervous about meeting them but harry said they would love you and you believed him. You guys got to their house and walk in harry says hi to his mom and step dad, then he says "mom dad this is YN, YN these are my parents." You said "nice to meet you mirs. and Mr. Twist." His mom said "nice to meet you too Yn." You guys just talked and they loved you which was good and harry was happy about that too.

Liam: you were heading to a party his parents were throwing you guys got to the house and you were nervous. You guys walked in hand and hand and found his parents he gave them each a hug then said "Yn these are my parents,mom dad this is YN." They said "nice to meet you." and you said "nice to meet you too." and you shook their hands then you guys just talked and they loved you which both you and liam were happy about.

Louis: you were at a charity event and so was his mom, you guys found her and louis hugged her she said "you must be the beautiful YN I've heard so much about." You smiled and said "yeah that's me." She said "nice to meet you, you can just call me jay." You said "nice to meet you too." Then you guys talked for awhile she loved you already you guys got along great which Louis was thrilled about.

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