Pregancy carvins

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Harry: you were carving icecream you texted Harry to get some because you didn't have any in your freezer. Once Harry got home he gave you the container you said "thanks babe your the best." He said "anything for you and the little one." He put his hand on your growing stomach you smiled and eat the icecream you had in your hand.

Niall: you were carving mashpotatoes with gravy  on top you made them and ate the whole thing Niall came home and you were sleeping on the couch he smiled at you and kissed your head and then cuddled with you.

Louis: you were craving candy you and Louis were at the store and you got every different kind of candy there was in the store. Once you get home you and Louis ate half of the bags and you ate a whole bag by yourself.

Liam: you were out to dinner with Liam and you were craving sushi so you guys went to get some you ordered half of the menu and eat everything. Liam just smiled at you.

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