You want a child

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Niall: you and Niall are at a meet and greet there are some little fans here who were Niall girls you smiled as Niall signed things for them and gave them a hug and took pictures with them  after the meet and greet Niall came over to you and you said "would you like your own?" He said "my own what?" You said "your own child." he said "I would love one, But do you want one?" You say "yes I would love one." He said "want to start when we get home?" You smirked at him and said "oh yes." Let's just say you guys didn't get any sleep that night😏

Louis: you were at Louis's hanging out with Louis's family he was with his younger sister and brother you smiled at them he was great with them, then he came over to you with his little sister and said "isn't she adorable." You smiled and said "yeah she is." He said "would you like one?" You said "I would love one, do you?" He said "yes let's start now." You smirked at him and headed inside and you guys had a lot of fun😏

Liam: you were at a charity event that the boys were doing you saw Liam with a little girl and he was great with her you smiled and watched him talk to her and take pictures with her he came over to you and said "what are you thinking?" You said "nothing." He said "I think I know." You said "what?" He said "your going to ask me if I want a child." You said "do you?" He said "yeah I would love one but do you?" You said "yes I do." He said "we'll start when we get home." You smirked and said "okay." Let's just say you guys had a very good time that night😏

Harry: you guys were babysitting your bosses daughter, she loved Harry you watch the two of them as she played then she fell asleep on him. You sat next to him on the couch and said "I know you want children right?" He said "I do want children do you?" You said "of course I do." He said "want to start now?" You smirked at him and said "oh yes." You guys went up to your bedroom and had some fun😏

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