You guys tell the boys you're pregnant

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Niall: you and Niall headed to the studio and once you got in there you got tackled by the guys in a giant hug which you knew Niall would go crazy about which he did he said to the boys "be careful you guys I don't want either of them to get hurt." Harry raised a eyebrow and said "what do you mean either of them?" Niall said "she's pregnant." The boys hugged you and cheered and congratulated the two of you  they were so happy and couldn't wait.

Harry: you were at a meet and greet and Louis asked "it's not true that you're pregnant right the media said that." You said "it is true I'm pregnant." He was so happy and patted Harry on the back and told the other they were so happy and couldn't wait until this baby came they were so excited.

Liam: Liam and the boys were hanging out at your place when you walked down and said "Liam where are the diapers?" He said "we don't have any." Niall said "why would you need diapers you guys don't have a baby yet." You said "I know but I want to be prepared when it comes." Louis said "your..." You said "yes I'm pregnant." They cheered and hugged the two of you and congratulated the two of you they couldn't wait.

Louis: Louis invited the boys over to watch the big game you made miny hotdogs and cookies that were shaped in baby faces. You brought them out and Liam caught on right away and said "are you..." You said "yes I'm." He cheered and gave you a hug and so did the other they are so happy they couldn't wait for him or she to be here.

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