Peter Brown, the Grandfather To-Be .

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Amethyst's P.O.V

I closed my bedroom door behind me and forced my legs to the bed. I carefully laid down and closed my eyes.
I left Cassie's house about an hour after getting there. She insisted I left and got rest. I had to admit, I was very tired.
Cassie and I talked about the baby, mostly. She was so supportive. I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who love and support me no matter what. I never notice that. I only ever focus on the negatives.

I was trying to fall asleep, but couldn't. I knew why. I have told everyone about the baby, but Dad.
Why am I so scared?
He will still love me... I hope. I can't keep this from him anymore. I feel like I'm lying to him. I hate lying.
I need to tell him now.
I got out of my bed and rushed to the door. After opening it, I went downstairs and entered the living room.
Dad was sitting on his couch and reading something on his phone. He looked up when I came closer and stood up.
He had a knowing look in his eyes.

"Dad, I'm-"
"Pregnant." He finished my sentence with a sigh. I felt both, relieved and surprised.
How did he know? Had someone told him?
"Did Jax tell you?" I asked. "No. So I'm guessing everyone but me knows." He sounded disappointed.
"I.." I didn't know what to say. "Yeah, everyone knows." I said, looking at the ground.
"Amy." He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Are you angry?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, you can't expect me to just accept this. No parent wants to hear that their 16 year old daughter is pregnant." He told me rubbing his head.

"If it counts for anything, I turn 17 next week." I added. He glared at me, shutting me up.
"I'm disappointed." He nodded. I felt tears burning my eyes. It was one this for a parent to be angry, but it was another for them to be disappointed. It was worse.

"What are we going to do?" He asked sitting down. I sat on the couch opposite to him. Just then, Jax came downstairs and entered the lounge. He looked between us both and sighed, sitting next to me.
It was obvious he used his wolf hearing to listen to our conversation. I was still angry at him for being a dick to me earlier, so I avoided eye contact.
"I know what this conversation is about," Jax said. Dad nodded. "What's the plan?" Dad asked.
I told him that I planned to keep the baby. No adoption business. I explained to him that Mr Green was helping with school work for after the baby and Cassie will share notes, for she is in 95% of my classes.

"What will be the situation with Nate?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"Will he be living with us, or you with him?" He inquired. My mind drifted to the thought of me and the baby living with Nate and his pack. I still hadn't come to a decision.
"I don't know yet," I told Dad. One thing still didn't make sense to me.

"Dad. How did you come to know of this?" I asked.
"I got an anonymous text message saying that you were 5 months pregnant," he told me.
"Who the hell?" I said out loud. "Does the whole world know, Amy?" Dad sounded frustrated.
"Dad I swear, I only told Jax, Nate and Cassie. I only told Cas today, and we both know she wouldn't go off telling everyone." I told him. He nodded.

"Dad. You said to me earlier that you'd still love me no matter what," I got off the couch and sat in front of him.
"Always and forever," my voice was shaky. He closed his eyes. I put my hand on his knee.
"Please tell that you still mean that," the tears fell down my face. "Tell me that I'm still your little girl and you'll always love me." I sobbed.

"You know I will always love you, Amy. Nothing and I mean nothing, will change that." He put his hand over mine.
"I'm just trying to get used to this. I promise I will get used to it, eventually." He offered a small smile.
He wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Jax, take your sister to her room. She needs to sleep," Dad must have noticed how tired I was.
I heard Jaxon get up from behind me. He helped me up and past the stairs. He opened my bedroom door and moved forward to my bed. After putting me under the covers, he sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry," he said. I looked at him. "For what?" I acted innocent. He slumped his shoulders. "You know what," he laughed. I smiled. "It's okay. You were in heat and I disturbed you." I nodded and laughed. He rolled his eyes.
"Shut up," he laughed.

"She's nice. I always liked Jane." I playfully punched his shoulder. "Yeah. Same," his voice was distant and so were his eyes. "It's an awesome feeling, yeah?" I smiled at the fact that he found his mate. "Yeah," he chuckled.

"When dad gets his memory back, he'll be nicer about this. I promise." He kissed my forehead.
"I hope so," I said quietly. "Goodnight. I love you," he said and walked towards my door.
"I love you too," I got further under the covers.

My eyes slowly closed after Jaxon left the room.

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