The baby is coming...

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Amethyst's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open when I felt a sharp sensation in my abdomen.
I sat up from the couch I was sleeping on and looked at Nate who was fast asleep on the arm chair.

I tried to get up but sat back down when the feeling in my stomach came back. I held my stomach and took deep breaths.

"Nate," I called his name. His eyes slowly opened and he saw me. He started to look worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked, quickly getting off the couch and sitting next to me.

"I think the baby is coming." I said, holding my stomach as I felt another stabbing sensation. It was a lot worse this time.

I yelled and held Nate's hand.
"Now? Okay," he sounded worried. He got off the couch and wondered around the room getting random things and putting them into a bag.

He looked like he had no clue on what he was doing.

"Nate its okay. Calm down. We need to get to Mary." I took deep breathes and closed my eyes. He noticed that I was in pain and looked at me with love filled eyes.

"Come on," he helped me up. As soon as I got up I felt that my pyjama pants were wet. "My water just broke," I whispered. "We are having a baby!" He said enthusiastically. I smiled at him.

He got the bag and lead me out the door and into his car.

"You'll be fine, baby. You're doing so good." He said once he got into his seat.

He drove with one hand and held mine with the other. I occasionally squeezed hard. "Holy shit!" I yelled. Nates head snapped towards me. "What's wrong?" He said sounding worried.
"Oh my God," I squeezed his hand as I felt the most painful feeling in my life.
I groaned. "You're doing amazing." He he looked at me. "Drive faster, Nate!" I yelled at him.

He was starting to irritate me. I saw him slightly smile as he drive a little bit faster. He took out his phone and dialed a number. "Mary. Hi. Yes, we are fine. Amy is in labour." He told Mary.
He nodded and hung up. "She is getting everything ready now." He rubbed my thigh.
After about another 5 minutes of agonizing pain, Nate pulled into Mary's drive way. He put the bag on his shoulders and carried me out of the car bridal style. Mary was already waiting at the door and lead us in and to the back room.

"Is it going to get worse?" I sobbed as Nate carefully put me onto the bed.
"It will, sweetie. You'll get through it though. You're strong," she put her hand on my cheek. I smiled at her.
"Nate, honey. You can sit in this chair here." Mary pointed at the chair next to the bed.

He sat down and held my hand. Mary got all the equipment set up.
"Okay, Amethyst. It looks like you're about to have another contraction." She said and put a sheet over my lower half and took off my pants.

Before I could ask any questions,
I screamed in pain because of the feeling in my abdomen. It felt like I was being ripped in half.

"Nate!" I arched my back and screamed. He held me down. "I'm here, baby. I'm here." He said softly.
He looked like he was in pain seeing me like this. I knew that he hated this.
I grabbed his bicep and squeezed hard as I screamed in pain.

He looked like I was hurting him a little. "Your wolf is strong, Amy." He told me with a smile.
I looked at him and once again, was cut off by screaming.

This is all that happened for the next 4 hours.
I would hit, squeenze, scream and pull Nates hair.

"You're nearly there, Amy! Nearly there." Mary told me from under the sheet. Nate stood behind her staring at my area with wide and shocked eyes. He ran a hand through his hair.
"Mary, there has to be something I can do." His voice cracked.

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