My baby's Godmother

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Amethyst's P.O.V

"Thanks again." I smiled at Cassie's mum who came with me to the bedroom door. "No worries, Amy. Let me know if you both need anything." She smiled and walked off. I knocked on Cassie's door before twisting the handle. I pushed the door open slowly, allowing the darkness inside to be shown. I slipped through and closed the door.

Cassie was sitting cross legged on her bed, with her covers sprawled on the bed as if she had just gotten out.
"Hey," I smiled a little. She looked up at me and I had only then realised she was crying. I sat next to her and gave her a hug. She sobbed in my shoulder while I patted her back. "Shh." I rested my chin in her head. "H-he came here," she hiccuped. I opened my eyes quickly. "Johnny?" I asked. She nodded. I balled my fists.

How dare you show up? He only made matters worse.

"I can't do this, Amy. I can't take this pain. The constant need for him. I feel like the only thing that can heal me is him. How messed up is that? The one who caused my pain and suffering, is the only one who can heal me." She sobbed.
My heart felt for her.

"Cassie, he isn't the only one who can help you. You can help yourself. Heal yourself. Be your own saviour.
Don't let him see how much he has brought you down. Instead, be happy and shove it in his face. Come to school.
Enjoy your life. Don't waste it because in the future you'll only look back to this and think of what better things you could have done with your time." I told her with certainty in my voice.

Cassie pulled back from me and looked at me. She was thinking. "You're right." She said quietly. I gave her a small smile.
I felt that I should change the conversation and I knew exactly how. On the way here, I decided I was going to tell my best friend my big secret. She deserved to know. She tells me about her life and her feelings. It's hard for me to open up to people but I know that Cassie should be one of the few I choose to tell things.

"Cassie. I need to tell you something." I began. She wiped her face free of tears and smiled. "Sure."
I took a deep breath and let it out. "Is everything okay?" She asked, concerned.
"I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to come out and say it," I told her. She raised her brows, urging for me to go on.

"I'm pregnant," I finally said. Her eyes widened bigger than I'd ever seen and she covered her mouth with her hands when she gasped. "Oh my God." Was all she said. I felt tears in my eyes.
"I hope you still love me after this," I whispered. I was on the edge of crying. She looked at me in shock.
"Of course I do, Amy! You're my best friend. No, you're my Sister! I love you always. This is just some big news," she hugged me.

"I'm 5 months," I let her know. "What!" She jumped. I nodded. "Why didn't you tell me before!?" She exclaimed.
"Because I didn't know how. Or when," I told her honestly.
"Who else knows?" She asked. "Nate, of course. Jaxon, his girlfriend I'm assuming, Mr Green the councillor-"
"Mr Green knows?! And Jax has a girlfriend?" She asked. I nodded.
"People around school are slowly finding out and someone must have told him. And yes, Jax has a girlfriend. Remember Jane?" I asked. She nodded.
"Her," I said with a smile. Cas smiled widely. Thank God for that smile. I thought it would be forever till I saw it again.

"I'm happy you told me." She smiled and patted me on the back.
I signed. "Don't worry, I'm past the stage where it's all a shock to me and I hate life and cry at night and scream at my self for being stupid," I laughed. She giggled.
"I'm... Happy. I'm excited to meet him," I looked at my bump and placed my hand on it.
"him?" She grinned widely. I nodded.

"I'm happy for you, Amy. I will be here for everything, okay? I can throw your baby shower! You'll need one soon. Oh! I can bring all your assignments and give you all my notes once the baby have arrived." She clapped her hands.

I laughed. "Thanks Cas. Mr Green and I are discussing what to do after the baby, school wise. If you want to do that then maybe you can come to one of the meetings and we can arrange something." I told her.

"That would be great," She smiled. Cassie seemed like herself more than she had the whole week and it made me happy.

See? Even Cassie loves you, baby. She loves you so much that you made her smile when no one else could. I said in my head, indicating the message to my baby.

She carefully placed her hands on my stomach. I pushed her hands further in, so she could feel the foot.

"That's his foot," I smiled at Cassie. She smiled back. "This is amazing." She breathed.

"I want you to be the God mother, Cas." I told her. She looked up at me. "Really?" She asked excitedly. "Of course!" I laughed. "It would be an honour." She said and threw her arms around me.

"I love you, Cas." I said. "I love you too, Amy."

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