Nathan Smith, Beta of Moonlight pack.

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Amethyst's P.O.V

"You don't have to come, Cas. Really," I sighed through the phone, while piling all my books on the desk.
It's been two weeks since Nate left for his pack. Today was the 6 months ultra sound and he still hasn't showed up.
"What do you mean!? I can't allow you to go on your own, Amy. Where the hell is Nate? I thought you said he would be back from his trip, in time for the ultra sound," she sounded frustrated.

"Yeah. So did I," I said in a low voice. "Oh well. It's just one ultra sound," I shrugged.
The truth was I was pissed. Beyond pissed. Nate promised to be here through all this. I get that he is future Beta, but that's just the thing. He is future Beta. His dad probably has everything in control. The least he could do is show up before the ultra sound day, like he said he would.

"Cassie, please. You don't have to come. You have a lot of homework to catch up on, anyways. Besides, Jax and Jane are coming with me," I smiled.
I could practically feel her pouting through the phone. "Fine," she sighed. "Bye, Cas." I giggled. "Good luck!" She said before we both hung up.
I fixed the rest of the books on the desk before going to my closet to change into a white shirt that read 'Flawless', some black leggings and white converses.

I went down stairs and into the lounge area where Jax and Jane seemed to be discussing something important. Their serious eyes softened when they saw me and smiled. "Hey," Jane got up and walked forward with open arms to hug me.
I hugged her back. She looked absolutely beautiful in her floral sundress and white short heels. Her light blue eyes were bright and her long, silky light brown hair was done in a stylish braid.

"You ready?" Jax asked me, as he got up and put his arm around Jane's waist. "Yup," I nodded and moved for the door. My phone began ringing when I was about to open the back seat to Jax's car. "This will only take a minute," I said to Jax and Jane who were already seated in the car. Jax nodded while Jane smiled. They both look so perfect together.

I walked to the front of the house and answered the phone. "Hello?" I said. "Hey," Nate said on the other line.
I took a sharp intake of breath. "Why haven't you called me? Or answered my calls?" My voice rose.
"I'm sorry. I've been really busy. It seems that I'll be Beta sooner than expected. My father is sick. Really sick.." He said quietly. I felt bad for snapping now.
"I've been learning everything. Alpha Chris has been showing me the ropes," he explained.
"I hope your dad gets better." I said sincerely. "Yeah," Nate sighed. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm about to go to the ultra sound." I looked back at the car. "That's why I called. I can't make it today, Amy. I'm so sorry." He said with sincerity. I felt sad. I know his dad is sick and he has to train and stuff but I still felt annoyed that he couldn't make it.
"It really doesn't matter," I fake laughed. He groaned. "Don't fake laugh," he said.
"I'm really sorry, Amy. I'll be coming back tomorrow, though. You can tell me about how it went, okay?" He said.

"My dad knows," I changed the subject. Nate went quite for a little. "What did he say?" He asked.
I sighed. "What any father would say to this situation. He is disappointed." I told him.
"But, he said he still loves me." I smiled. "Of course he does, Amy. How could someone not love you?" I could hear him smiling. I couldn't help but smile too.
"Everyone at school knows too," I informed. "Oh?" He sounded amused. "Yup. Gabby is being a bitch but I don't really care."
"Good," he laughed. "I have to go Nate. I'm getting late for the appointment," I looked back at the car again.
"Okay. I love you and please tell me about everything tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can't call back today." He said.
I sighed. "I love you too. Bye," I hung up.

'I miss him,' I jumped at Mel's voice.
'Oh so you've decided to bless us with your presence.' I said sarcastically.
It's been months since she has replied back to me.
'I didn't want to talk to you,' she said quietly. I sighed.
'Whatever, Mel." I walked to Jaxon's car. Jax's jaw was clenched and he looked as if he were about to snap at Jane, who was looking at him with those intense blue eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I arched a brow as I got in the car and put my seatbelt on. "Yes," Jax growled angrily and turned on the engine, driving off to the address I gave him.
Jane fiddled with her fingers and stared out the window. Well, this is awkward.
"So.. Uh, Jane! Are you still coming to the girls movie night?" I asked her, trying to tone down the tension.
"Of course, Amy. I love hanging out with you and Cassie. I can't wait," she smiled at me through the mirror.

Cassie and I planned a girls night including the both of us and Jane, at our house. We are going to hang out and watch movies and do all that girly stuff. No boys. No Drama. Just us girls, hanging out.

"Will you be going to work tonight?" I asked Jax. His eyes met mine thought the mirror and they immediately softened.
"Not tonight, Amy. I have a day off." He said. "Well, don't interrupt us. No boys aloud in the living room. We are camping in there," I smiled. His frown broke into a smile. "Yes, ma'am." He turned into the court where Mary lived.

We got out of the car and made our way up the path way. When we reached the door, I knocked three times.
The door flew open, revealing Mary. She broke into a wide smile and hugged me. "Hello, ma'am." She pulled away from me.

"Mary, please. Don't call me that." I told her. "You are the Beta's mate. You must be respected. You and the beta's child. The pack is really excited to meet this little one," she rubbed my belly. I stiffened at the comment.
"Come in!" She ushered the all of us in. "Hello," she said to Jax and Jane. They greeted her back.
"Did you want your friends with you in the room? Or shall they wait out here?" Mary asked me.
"Oh this is my brother, Jax. And his mate, Jane." I introduced them to Mary. They all shook hands.
"I am Mary. Best Midwife of The Moonlight pack." She smiled. "I've been moved here for the inspection of Amy's pregnancy." She explained to them.

"It's nice to meet you," Jane smiled. Jax looked at her curiously.
"You said Nate was the Beta of the pack. I thought he was only training?" He inquired. I totally didn't notice that. I looked at Mary, awaiting her reply.

"Yes. I got a call from Alpha Chris today, notifying me that the original Beta, and Nate's father, has retired. He is too sick to continue his duties. Alpha Chris is making the announcement tonight." Mary told us.
I blinked in confusion. "What does this mean for Nate and I?" I asked. She looked confused.
"Well, I presume you will move to the pack before the baby arrives." She explained.

I shook my head. "That's not happening. I'm not going to join that pack and neither is my baby." I told her. She looked offended.
"I know what you're thinking, Amy. I can assure you it is a very safe environment for you and your child. Besides, you're the Beta's Mate and that child in your womb is the next in line for the Beta role." She stated. I mentally cursed.
Why does this all have to be so difficult?

"Can we please just get on with the ultra sound?" I snapped. Mary nodded.
"You guys can come in," I told Jax and Jane. They nodded and followed us to the same room as last time. I laid on the bench and Mary lifted my top up. She got all the preparations ready and after about 10 mins, we were ready to start.

"Okay," she said. "Per usual, it will be a little cold." She said before putting the freezing yet familiar gel on my belly.
"He will appear on the screen," she said distantly. Her eyes knitted together while she concentrated.

Jax looked at the screen, intent with the whole situation, as Jane sat in the chair beside me and smiled at me. She looked at the screen which showed the rolled up body of my son.
"Beautiful," she whispered. I smiled at the screen. "Yeah." I said.
I wish Nate could be here.

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