4 more Months

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Amethyst's P.O.V.

(1 month later)

"I'm on my way out now, Nate." I sighed into my phone. "You said that 10 minutes ago. Where are you?" He said on the other line, sounding worried. "I'm inside the cafe! I just have to finish the dishes and I'll be out." I told him. I heard him groan before I hung up and continued with the dishes.

Today was one of the monthly ultra sounds for the baby. I had work, but finished at 12pm, so Nate agreed to pick me up and go from there. It's been one month of Nate at my house, and me at his. He doesn't want to be separated from me, unless we have to for school or work, of course. He tried to convince me not to work anymore and he would give me money to help for the baby, which only made me angry.
Did he think I couldn't take care of myself and the baby? Was I not capable? In the end, like in most of our dis agreements, I won.

We still haven't told anyone about the baby. The only people who knows, is us and his pack.
I'd learnt more about Nate's wolf side. I'd learnt that his uncle and my boss, Sam, was also a wolf. It didn't even occur to me. Of course he was. I mean, Sam and Nate's mum were siblings.

I have developed a bump. I have been wearing loose tops, but I can't hide it for long. Nate says I won't have to, though. He told me that the witch has said my family's memory is nearly completely back.
They have had dreams of the night as well as the small injuries coming back. After they remember the actual ritual the Witch performed, they have all the memories back. When that happens, I can tell them about my pregnancy.

I'm scared about how they'll react once they know that I'm the reason my mother is dead. They didn't have time to react when it happened, because their memories were wiped straight away.

As for people at school, I don't give a shit. Cassie will most likely be shocked and disappointed but I know she will support me, as will Johnny. Everyone else would just pity me or judge me. If they were to think that I'm going to get embarrassed or ashamed and not go to school anymore, then they would be wrong. I am going to complete my education, as well as university afterwards. I don't care if I'm a werewolf or a teenage mother. It won't stop me from living my life and my dreams. Of course I will still be around for my baby. I always will.
Where I am, is where my baby is.

I finished washing the dishes and dried my hands on the hand towel. I put away my apron and waved a goodbye to Sam on my way out of the cafe. He gave me a quick smile and waved back. Ever since he found out about the pregnancy, he has been a lot nicer to me. Nate says it's because he finally feels as if I am family, which I am happy about.

Acceptance is a great thing.

I looked around for Nate's new car and saw him sitting in the black jeep that Sam had gotten him after he passed his driving test. The window was open and he was leaning his head back against the seat cushion. His sunnies were covering his eyes and his black hair was as usual, messy in the hottest of ways. I walked to the passenger side and pulled the car door open, making Nate jump in surprise. I grinned while getting in. "Hey." I said before leaning over and pecking him on the lips. "Hello," he smiled, turning on the engine. "You ready for this?" He asked. I took a deep breath.
"Yeah. I mean, it isn't the first ultra sound, but I'm still nervous as hell," I let out a small laugh. "Same," he admitted.
He began driving away when a thought suddenly came to me.

"Hey, Nate?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Hmm?" He hummed, his eyes not leaving the road.

"Do you want a baby boy or girl?" I asked him. He thought for a moment before replying.

Sequel to The Lost SoulWhere stories live. Discover now