Dinner with the pack and interrupted sexy time.

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Amethyst's P.O.V

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel.
The bathroom was completely opposite to my one back at home. This bathroom had white tiles and walls. The counters were black. The colour choice made it look very classy.

I quickly dried myself, putting my undergarments and dress back on. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Nate rocking Dawn back and forth. He looked up and caught me staring, making me blush slightly.

"Ready?" He smiled. I nodded, walking over to them. He handed Dawn over to me and put his hand on my back, leading me to the door. We made our way back downstairs, but no one seemed to be in the house anymore.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, looking at Nate. "Probably in the dining room." He moved passed the kitchen, which had a table and chairs. "I thought it was in the kitchen?" I asked, looking back. He smiled.
"The whole pack won't fit on that table," he explained.

I suddenly felt stupid. Duh, Amethyst.

We finally arrived in front of a big black door and could hear lots of noise behind it.
"Ready?" He asked me with a grin. I smiled at him and nodded.

He pushed the big door open, revealing a long room, with a dining table running through the middle of it.
The table could easily fit more than 60 people. Only about 3 quarters of the seats were taken, though.

Everyone was too busy talking to notice us. Nate guided me to the front of the table, where Chris was. Next to him, Willow and the twins were laughing. As we got closer, people started looking, making me feel nervous.

Nate pulled a chair next to willow for me, which I sat in and Thanked him. He sat in between Chris and I.
Thank God for that.
Chris rose from his seat, tapping on his wine glass, to catch everyone's attention.

Almost immediately, everyone stopped talking and looked up at him.

He cleared his throat. "Good evening, everyone. Tonight is a very speacial night." He began.

"Tonight, your Beta has arrived with his mate and daughter." He moved his hand to us.

"I expect every single one of you to respect them as much as you respect Nathan and I. If not, I can promise that the consequences will be deadly." He smiled wickedly and sat back down.

His eyes locked with mine, causing him to grin even more at my shocked expression.

Nathan held my hand under the table and smiled down at me. The doors flew open and reveiled a few maids bringing in all sorts of dishes. The whole table was filled with different foods, making my stomach rummble quietly.

"Before we eat," Chris looked at Nate. "Can you please announce what I told you earlier?"

Nate looked at him, clentching his jaw. What announcement?

He Quietly stood up, earning everyone's attention.

"Hello, everyone. It's good to see you all again," he started off. I couldn't help but stare at him.
He looked like a Greek god. All I wanted was to take him back upstairs and-

Since when was I so horny ?!

"It has come to our attention that someone in our pack has been sharing our plans with the Red Light pack," he said, earning a couple of gasps around the room.

"As you all know, red light pack is our biggest enemy, so the fact that one of our own is reaching out to them and sharing our plans, is devastating." He said sternly.

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