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Nathan's P.O.V

3 months later.

The months flew by quicker than ever, doing nothing but taking care of Dawn and spending time with Amy.
I wouldn't change it for the world.

School had finished and I had finally graduated, leaving Amy with another year to go.

Chris would call me and we would discuss Pack related conversations over the phone. He didn't force me to come back to the pack, which I was grateful for.

Today was a beautiful, warm and sunny Saturday.
Amy, Dawn and I were sitting down on blanket which was spread across the grass in the backyard.
I smirked at Amy as she fixed Dawn's sun hat, which was way too big and covered almost all her face.

"You know, we are under a tree? The sun isn't even peeking through." I reminded her, taking a bite from the sandwich.

"You can never be too safe," Amy murmured, finally leaving the hat in its new position.

Under the hat, I could tell Dawn was fast asleep. Amy put her in the small portable rocker and reached for her sandwich, taking a bite.

Dawn had changed dramatically in the last 3 months. She was a lot chubbier now. Her eyes were more open and her features were starting to actually come through. Her eyes is what confused us more than anything.

When she was born, they were bright green. After a couple of weeks they slowly began to change to blue, much like my own.
Amy says it was unfair that she now looked completely like me, only making me laugh.

"I have a feeling that she will look exactly like you when she is a little older," I said after taking a sip of my Coke.

She smiled proudly. "Of course she will!" She exclaimed.

"Only with my eyes and hair," I winked and sipped my drink again, causing her to roll her eyes with a laugh.

"This is nice," she said after a bit. I knew she was referring to the quality time we were having, along with Dawn.

"Yeah," I nodded.

When Amy would go for short shifts at work, she would leave Dawn home with me.
I know many people frown upon the woman working and not the man, but being a Beta is a job.

While Amy would be gone, both Cassie and Johnny would come over and help me out with Dawn.
Amy's family all work during the day and come back home around 5.
They help us through the sleepless nights. Cassie quit her job at the cafe and decided to focus on school for her last year.
I encouraged Amy to do the same, but she says she needs to help her family with money, as well as Dawn's expenses.

I get a lot of money from the pack which Amy allows me to spend on Dawn if I want to, which I obviously do,
but has warned me to never even offer it to help her family.
I remember the time I once offered to pay for an overdue bill and she went off at me.
I don't understand why it's a big deal. She is my mate and the mother of my daughter. Helping her is the least I can do.

"The heat out here is getting bad," Amy complained and fanned Dawn with her hands. I chuckled.
Dawn shifted in her sleep.
She wore a soft pink dress with small white flowers on it. Her big hate was hot pink.

"See! She's hot. I'm taking her," Amy said before reaching in and picking Dawn up.

"I remember saying the same thing about you," I winked at her. Her eyes widened slightly and her cheeks turned pink.
I chuckled at how cute she was.

Sequel to The Lost SoulWhere stories live. Discover now