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"She got stressed at the shops. Ben told me what to do." I heard Tyde tell my parents as he carried my body up the stairs.

"I don't want to lay down." I giggled.

"Mel. You're laying down."

"I'm good. I promise." He laid my body on the bed, taking mine and his shoes off. He shut the door and turned the light off. The only light visible was from my window. The light was peeping in. I had 4 Windows so it was pretty bright in here.

I laughed before leaning. I swung my leg over Tyde's waist. I leaned down by his ear.

"I'm not tired." I smirked. He leaned up against my headboard before smirking.

"You did that to get us out of there, didn't you?" He laughed pulling my hips closer to his torso. I nodded before we both started leaning in. It got heated quickly. He had flipped us over and now was on top.

He kissed down my neck and exposed skin trying to find my soft spot and sucking there, most likely leaving a hickey. I let out a soft moan, not loud enough for my parents to hear.

I went to remove his top but he stopped me.

"No Melanie. Stop. We can't do this." He grunted.

I looked at him.

"It's not cause I don't want to, trust me I do, but your brothers just pulled in the driveway. You need to cover that sweet thing on your neck up." He laughed.

We heard walking up the stairs and someone stopping infront of my door. He got off of my body quickly. I wouldn't have time to cover the hickey up so he pulled me under the covers and pulled it up to my neck. He quickly pulled me into his chest before we both acted like we was asleep.

I moved closer to his body, wrapping my arms around his torso. He played with the bra strap that was hanging out. My shirt had been pulled down a little and my bra was showing. He pulled the covers up a little higher to make sure my neck was completely covered.

"They're asleep. Should we wake them?"

"No Ben. Let them be. I trust them enough not to do anything." I heard Luke say. Too late for that Luke. I heard them walk out the door. I rushed to the bathroom quietly and took some foundation that I never use, and dabbed it on my neck, covering it completely. I put some powder to give it extra coverage and set it with some makeup primer spray.

I walked out and saw Tyde leaning against the headboard with his arms behind his head.

"I guess you're brothers right.." He started.


"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." He winked.

I made sure the hickey was still covered before walking out of my room, with Tyde behind me.

He had to leave so I walked him to the door, kissing him goodbye and shutting it behind me.

Ashton and the other boys was over and sitting in the couch. He looked tense so i went and sat next to him, resting my head in his lap. It calms us both. I don't know how, but it does.

He ran his fingers through my hair. Every few times he would hit the newly bruised spot, sending pain and shivers up my body. I guess when he was playing with it, he removed some of the makeup cause Calum is pointing at something on my neck. Luke saw him giving me hints and looked at my neck.

"The hell is that Melanie?! Is that a hickey?!" He yelled, getting Michael and Ashton's attention which was on the tv.

"Uh n-no. What are you t-talking about L-Luke?" I stuttered. He walked over to me and pulled my hair out of the way.

"It is a hickey! I'll kill him!" He yelled.

"Who are you killing Luke?" Ben asked walking down the stairs on his phone, Jack behind him doing the same.

Ben looked up to see my face then my neck and his eyes almost bulged out of his head.

"The hell is this?!" He screamed, getting Jacks attention.

I closed my eyes knowing they'd be over in seconds to inspect the mark.

"I'm killing him."

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