Chapter 24 - Phone Call

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It was now Friday and the past few days went about the same. Missy and I would have our pretend sleep over and I would get the hell beat out of me. It hurt to do anything. School wasn't much better. It was hard enough to act fine around Marc, but now I had to put on the act for everyone. Not to mention, Addison went back to bitching about me. Sometimes she would just make snide comments as I walked by. Other times she would trip me. There were even times she would get up in my face. Every time she did, Marc, Jasper, and Missy would confront her. I actually had to hold Missy back one day when she tried going after her with her own high heel. I considered letting her, but then I thought about the trouble she would get into if I allowed it. The beatings were getting worse and I actually grew a pair and looked at my body in the mirror. Not pretty let me tell you. There was not a single spot on my body, except my face, that wasn't covered in horrendous bruises and cuts. I understood why it hurt so damn bad now. I was tired, considering I wasn't getting much sleep being at that house. When I did manage to get sleep, the pain would keep me awake. I was growing more and more defensive and irritable about everything now. Marc was getting suspicious and I knew it. I couldn't go on like this. I knew that, but what other option did I have? I was brought out of my thoughts by a poke to my side. I winced and turned to see Missy looking at me. We were on our way to school and apparently she was talking to me.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I was talking to you but you weren't even listening." She accused.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"What's going on with you?" She demanded.

"I have been keeping this arrangement a secret and have not pressed the issue but now I am. Every morning I pick you up, you look like shit. I don't know if it is because you aren't getting sleep or if it is something else, but I know something is going on. I have overlooked it but I am done overlooking it! What are you up to? Why can't Marc find out? I am guessing Marc knows something I don't? That is why you don't want him to find out about you going to your father's house. Is it because he doesn't like your father? Marc does not hate anyone without a reason. Hell, he doesn't even hate Addison! He thinks she is a first class bitch, but he doesn't hate her. Yet he hates your dad with a passion. He has a huge thing for you, so I would think he would try to get along with your father more than anything else. But no, he hates him! Why is that? I know I agreed to this but if it is causing you harm in any way I am done. I can't keep doing this if you don't give me something to work with! Do you not trust me?" She continued pleadingly.

"I trust you, I really do. But you just have to trust me. Everything I am doing is for all of you." I promised and she laughed humorlessly.

"I want to trust you but you have been so secretive since I met you. You seemed to open up a little more but now that you have been going to your fathers house, you are even more secretive than before! And you are doing what for us? Does it look like I cant handle myself? I may be tiny but I can kick some ass if I have too. And Jasper may seem like he is a few fries short of a happy meal but he is no pansy believe me. Not to mention, if someone even tried to harm any of us Mr. and Mrs. Rivers would lay into their ass like nobody's business! Don't underestimate a momma and papa bear when it comes to their cubs. And have you seen Eric? Damn that boy is built! And so is Marc. He would put someone six feet under for his family. Especially you. And you are seriously worried about us? Are you nuts?" She exclaimed as she parked in front of the school.

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