Chapter 31 - I need you

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Samantha's POV

I couldn't believe I was looking at his beautiful face again. I missed it so much.

"Hi." I replied with a smile.

"Now where is my hug?" I questioned tilting my head to the side. He grinned and wrapped his arms around me gently and I was in heaven. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"I have missed you." I muttered and he kissed my head.

"Honey. Trust me. I missed you WAY more." He challenged and I pulled away to look at him.

"Sure sure." I mocked and he smirked. I touched my stomach and winced. I looked down and slid the gown to the side slightly revealing a huge bandage and I frowned.

"What happened?" I asked looking up at him.

"You had to have surgery. You had internal bleeding and your ribs punctured some of your organs." He explained and I looked down again. I reached for the bandage and Marc placed his hand on mine.

"Don't do that." He argued and I groaned.

"Come on. I can't even look at my own battle scar? I earned this shit!" I joked and he shook his head in disbelief.

"How can you be so happy after everything?" he wondered

"I am back with everyone I care about. That's enough reason for me." I spoke.

"Now. Battle scar." I interrupted and he nodded.

"Ok but be careful." He warned and I just waved my hand dismissively. I pulled on the bandage slowly and winced slightly. These people seriously use tape? What is wrong with them! Once off, I examined the incision.

"Not that bad." I mused tracing the newly forming scar. It was almost healed. It had been like two months so I wasn't surprised. The skin around it was still red and I wont lie, it was still pretty sensitive.

"It looked worse before." He assured with a grim face. I covered it back up and looked at him.

"I am one tough cookie." I teased and he gave that crooked smile I loved so damn much.

"And I am a ninja." He taunted making me laugh.

"That you are." I agreed.

"Hello Samantha. I have brought some pain medication for you." Dr. Hale entered the room and made his way around the bed towards the IV drip.

"Thanks doc. Drug me!" I demanded mockingly and he chuckled.

"Glad to see your happy. I must say, most people with minor issues are all depressing. Here you are smiling, and you just woke from a two month coma. People like you are the reason I love my job." Dr. Hale commented.

"Well I am alive. I think I have more to be grateful for." I answered.

"I'm sure that handsome man holding your hand doesn't hurt either right?" He winked and I blushed like crazy. Well that's a sign of good health.

"Drugs Doc. Now shoo!" I scolded and he smiled happily. He finished up the drip and waved at us before leaving back out.

"Stop cheesing so much!" I ordered looking at Marc who was grinning from ear to ear.

"I've missed those rosy cheeks. I forgot how easy it was to make you blush. Glad to see I still can." He mused rubbing his thumb across my reddened cheek. I felt my face heat up more and his smile got even bigger.

"Damn you." I pouted crossing my arms across my chest.

"I think you are adorable. Don't be embarrassed." He reassured. I stuck my tongue out at him and looked down at my ring.

"I almost gave up you know." I muttered and his face fell.

"I was alone in this unending white void and I felt all this pain and I started falling. I heard this voice but I couldn't understand it. I couldn't breathe. I have no idea where I was. I saw this light come towards me and I ended up in an empty grave yard. There was only one grave and it was mine. Then I just let go. I didn't fight or anything." I continued.

"The next thing I know, I wake up but I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything and I didn't try too. I heard that same voice again but I still couldn't make it out. Water started rising under me and I just laid there. The voice was fading out and I tried focusing on it. The water fully covered me and I still was frozen in place." I proceeded. I paused and looked at him to see the sad expression on his face.

"I was finally able to hear the voice and I recognized it. The whole time the voice was you. I heard you Marc. I heard you talking to me. You said I had more to live for. You said you needed me." I felt tears form in my eyes as I relived it.

"Something changed in me. I don't know how I did it but I screamed. With everything in me I screamed. I kicked and fought against the water. Something was holding me there but I kept fighting against it. I grabbed my ring and willed myself to not give up. I thought it was no use but then this bright purple light shot out from the ring. It flowed out and circled around me in a bubble. It pulled me up towards the surface. It went higher and higher and once it reached the top, it popped. When it did, I woke up here." I finished crying.

"You brought me back Marc." I hugged him tightly.

"Sam. Thank you. Thank you for not giving up. I wasn't lying. I need you." His voice broke as he held me closer.

"I need you too." I whispered

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