Chapter 30 - Hello Sleeping Beauty

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DR HALE ====>

Marc's POV

 "Sam!" I exclaimed cupping her face in my hand. She looked at me wide eyed. She reached out and pulled me into a hug which I more than gladly returned.

"I'm going to get the doctor!" The nurse stated running out along with the other nurses who accompanied her. Sam held onto me for dear life as if she was afraid I would slip away.

"Oh Rosie!" Karen cried running over along with the others. I reluctantly moved away so the others could see her. Samantha hugged everyone and smiled as tears poured from her eyes.

"Thank god!" Aaron breathed out holding her close. Everyone fawned over her until the Dr. Hale came in. We all moved aside as he checked her over.

"Well I must say I am quite surprised. You are a tough little thing. You seem fine miraculously. I will take that breathing tube out of your mouth now okay?" He explained and she nodded. Everyone left out and waited for the doctor to finish.

"Thank you god!" Jasper laughed happily as he hugged Missy.

"Told you everything would be ok Marc!" Elizabeth spoke gleefully pulling me into a hug. I nodded and pulled away. I walked over to Aaron and hugged him.

"Happy birthday man." I muttered and he chuckled

"The best one ever!" He agreed. Everyone hugged one another in relief. I was so happy beyond words.

"Yall may go back in but she does need rest." Dr. Hale explained walking out of the room.

"Thank you Dr. Hale." Mom thanked. Aaron was the first in the room and I decided to wait by the door for everyone else to see her because once I was with her, I would not be willing to leave her.

"Hey sleepy head! You scared us!" Aaron scolded jokingly.

"My bad." She replied hoarsely.

"How are you feeling?" Dad asked holding her hand.

"Like crap." She groaned.

"Well that is to be expected. Is the doctor bringing anything for the pain?" Eric asked from her other side.

"He said he was." She confirmed.

"If you ever put me through that again I will attack you myself." Missy warned and Sam laughed softly.

"So will I Rosie." Jasper joined.

"Oh come on. You both know I can take you." Sam teased.

"And Nick will tag team with me so you really stand no chance. Right buddy?" She added weakly looking around for Nick.

"Anything for you beautiful." Nick winked and this time I rolled my eyes.

"Come give me some sugar!" She croaked holding her arms out.

"Careful." Mom pressed and Nick nodded before gently climbing on the side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"I sure missed that. How do you like my mom and Karen?" She quizzed looking between the three of them.

"Do ALL the hotties become magnetized to you? Like seriously! Even your mom is hot!" Nick exclaimed and we all laughed.

"Maybe." She answered thoughtfully.

"He is adorable." Karen cooed and Nick grinned. He moved off the bed towards her.

"Since you are not spoken for, I'll take a shot." He flirted grabbing her hand and placing a kiss to it.

"Great. I sleep for a little while and you're ready to leave me for her." Sam pretended to be offended.

"I love red heads." He faked seriousness.

"Well I'm out of luck then." Elizabeth joined in disappointed.

"I like older women more." He clarified winking.

"Ok Casanova we should get ready to go so she can get some rest." Mom smiled and gave Samantha a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Night sweetie. See you tomorrow. We love you." She continued.

"Night. I love you too." Sam smiled.

"Sleep well, but not too well." Dad teased hugging her.

"No promises." Sam chuckled.

"Love you chicka." Missy hugged her and Jasper leaned in to hug her as well.

"You better be awake when I get here tomorrow." He warned pointing a finger at her. She raised her hands in defense and Eric took his turn.

"I second that. You had me whining like a puppy these past couple months. Aaron had to comfort ME." Eric joked kissing her forehead.

"Nothing wrong with that." She assured with a grin.

"It is when I have to listen to him." Aaron argued hugging her.

"Love you." He added.

"See you tomorrow Rosie. And tell the runt I have dibs on that nickname." Karen looked at Jasper trying to glare.

"You have to fight that out." Sam refused tiredly.

"That's right. Let the children handle there own issues." Elizabeth said kissing Sam and giving her a big hug.

"I've missed you." Sam whispered hugging her back and grabbing Karen's hand.

"Not as much as we have missed you." Elizabeth challenged.

"Hey Sammie." Addison greeted hesitantly walking to the bedside. Sam looked at her and smiled.

"Hey Addie." She held her arms open and Addison quickly obliged as she hugged her.

"I'm glad you're okay." Addison murmured.

"Glad you are here." Sam retorted.

"Marc?" Jasper questioned and I walked over.

"I'm staying here tonight. I will see you all tomorrow." I stated and no one argued.

"Alright. Well goodnight to you both." Dad hugged me and waved as he headed out. I hugged everyone else and they left closing the door behind them. I had my hands stuffed into my jean pockets and took a seat on the side of the bed.

"Hello sleeping beauty."

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