Chapter 27 - Letting go

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I had no idea where I was. I was in some sort of room but it was completely empty. It was just a huge white void of nothing. I could not tell where it began or where it ended. I was afraid and felt more alone than ever. Was I dead? I had no clue. This surely wasn't heaven. Due to the lack of flames I was pretty sure I wasn't in hell either. So where the hell was I?

 I started walking but no matter how far I walked, I wasn't any closer to answers. It was deathly quiet, and that in its self was enough to make me go crazy. Maybe that's what it is. Maybe I have gone crazy and currently locked in a padded cell. That would explain a lot but if that was the case, then where are the walls? I stopped and looked around to no avail. I tilted my head back to see the ceiling, which was to no surprise, nonexistent.  

"HELLO?" I called out hoping someone else was here who could help me. But what if there is someone else and they are dangerous? Maybe they are the one who brought me here. Oh my gravy! If Icompletelyad, I will be soon! What where my options though? Stay trapped here and die of natural causes or risk getting killed by a psycho? By the looks of it, there is no one here anyway. Oh what the hell. I am dead no matter what.

"Anyone here? Where ever THIS is??" I yelled once again with no answer. I looked down defeated only to notice that I was in a hospital gown. I frowned in confusion. I suddenly became aware of a sharp pain in my whole body, especially my abdomen. I sunk to the floor in pain. What was happening? I gripped the gown and moved it to the side to see my stomach. I gasped as I saw that my whole stomach was discolored. It was completely black!!! I touched it and jerked my hand away quickly and hissed. My belly was swollen drastically and the coloring was underneath the skin.

"SOMEONE! I NEED HELP!" I cried out in horror. I looked around as tears began pouring from my eyes. I looked back down and my hands were covered in blood. I looked at my stomach to see blood flowing out. I could feel my ribs stabbing into me and I screamed. I continued screaming but no one came. I started feeling dizzy as more and more blood oozed out of me.

Suddenly I heard something. I heard voices but I could not make out what they were saying. I felt calm and the screaming stopped. I no longer felt pain. I focused on the voice and closed my eyes. The person sounded familiar but they never got any closer. They were so far away and I wanted to go to them but I could no longer move at all. I was frozen in my place. I tried to open my eyes to see if I could see anyone but that function was disabled also. Maybe I should start panicking again but all I felt was relaxed. 

I heard a loud high pitched beeping noise tuning out the voices. My body began to shake and I felt like the floor was moving out from under me. I began to slowly fall and then it went quicker and quicker. My hair whirled around my face as air flew by me. I felt pressure on my chest and my breathing caught in my throat. I tried to breath but it was no use. I heard the familiar voice again but it sounded panicked and that was all I needed for my horror to begin.

"Hel-" I tried to call out for help but my brain wouldn't let me. I felt all the pain attack me at once and I gasped for air but nothing helped. I was still falling and I prayed for it to hurry up and bring an end to all of this. Instead of white everything instantly turned black. I could see nothing. I felt shocks go through my body and my body jerked.

"SAMANTHA!" The voice yelled and I reached out hoping to grab onto whoever it was but all I gripped was emptiness. Suddenly I hit the floor and I had the overwhelming urge to go to sleep. There was a bright light in the distance and it slowly came closer and closer. This was about to end. I waited and waited for the light.

I heard screaming but I once again couldn't understand it. The light hovered right over me and I started seeing pictures running through my head. They moved by quickly and I tried to see what they were.  They began to slow and I could see Missy and Jasper. As it continued I saw Eric and Aaron. I saw Nick and his parents.  Then there was me and Marc. Mom and Karen. Addison.

They proceeded to flicker by and then everything stopped and I could see. I could move. I sat up and looked around. I was in a graveyard. There was only one grave and endless space surrounding it. I read the tomb stone.

Samantha Rose

June 13, 1996 – January 21, 2013

Unloved by many

There was suddenly a constricting force around my neck as if I was being strangled. I tried to fight it but it was pointless. My body went numb and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I fell backwards and never hit the ground. I continued to fall but this time the light from before chased me.

My throat started to burn and my chest constricted. I thought about the Rivers, Missy, Jasper, Mom, Karen, Addison, and Aaron. I wanted to be back with them. I needed to see them. I thought I would be okay with dying but I wasn't. I know I would not change a thing if I could go back which means I had to die. As long as Greg was gone I could deal with passing. That doesn't mean I am happy about it. I have gotten too attached to them all. I didn't get the goodbye I wanted. I never fully got to live my life. I closed my eyes and silently prayed they would not hate me for leaving them. I couldn't change what I did. I wouldn't. Greg had to go. But that doesn't make this any easier.

The lack of breathing took its toll. I felt myself fading away and I stopped fighting. What was the point? I pictured everyone's smiling faces to help me through this. I could feel the light encompassing my body. I felt warmth circling me. I thought about the last time Marc hugged me. I focused on that and I could almost feel his arms around me. I relaxed and let myself go.

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