Chapter 9 - Oh no...

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"What are you doing?" Marc asked coming up beside me.

"Shush! I'm busy right now. At least wait about a minute or so before you start bothering me please." I continued, looking at Jasper and Missy as Marc started to watch also. Jasper was still rambling and had not asked her out yet.

"Come on Jaz just do it!" I whispered. Marc laughed.

"It will take him at least 30 more seconds before he stops rambling." Marc informed. I watched them and sure enough, about 35 seconds later he stopped rambling and got ready to ask her.

"3......2......1" I counted off then Missy started jumping up and down then hugged him.

"YES!" I whispered and Missy then ran up to me and jumped on me, almost making me fall.

"WOAH!" I giggled.

"THANK YOU!!!" She yelled still hugging me.

"No problem." She finally let go and Jasper came up to me.

"Don't jump me please I don't think I could stand another one." I joked and he laughed along giving me a hug.

"Thanks again." He said.

"It was all you Jaz." I smiled as Missy and Jasper walked away.

"So you're a match maker." Marc teased.

"Not really, I just knew they liked each other and helped him get the guts to ask her out." I said walking off.

"Ever played match maker for yourself?" He questioned.

"Nope, not gonna." 


"You know what? That word is almost as annoying as the sound of your voice." I observed, going over to the others.

"Wow you like me that much?"

"If you mean like as in hate then no, it is more like love as in despise." I commented.

"I love you too." He gushed, placing a hand to his chest.

"What do you want to do next?" Jasper asked as I got over to them.

"I don't know. Whatever is fine." I smiled.

"Skating Rink?" Eric asked. I have not been skating since my mother...

"Ummmm... I have not been since I was 11" I answered unsure.

"It's fine, me and Jasper will stay with you the whole time if you want." Missy offered and Jasper agreed.

"That's not the thing." I mumbled.

 "So?" Jasper asked. Missy looked at me and I just nodded.

"Yeah skating it is." She said smiling at me. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers drove with Nick and Eric. I rode with Missy, Jasper, and Marc. Marc was driving and I sat in the back with Missy. When we got there we went inside and rented skates then got on the floor. Well, everyone except me. I was standing on the side.

"Come on Sammy." Missy encouraged. I couldn't help but smile at the nickname. Her, Jasper, and Marc waited for me to get on the floor, so I took a deep breath and got on. They started skating beside me and I was surprised I remembered how. I was good enough not to fall but I had to skate slowly until I got the hang of it.

"You ok?" Jasper asked looking at me.

"Yeah just gotta get use to skating again." A couple hours later, I was skating fast and actually having fun. Missy and Jasper would skate off sometimes and leave me with Marc, then they would come back and skate with me again. After a little while longer, it was about time to leave. Everyone began heading toward the counter to return their skates and reclaim our shoes.

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