Chapter 6 - We found our guy.

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 "Can I sit here?" The blond asked gesturing to the space beside me.

"Sure." I answered quietly.

"I'm Missy. What's your name?" She greeted, extending her hand and smiling.

"I'm Samantha." I smiled shaking her hand.

"Can I call you Sam?" She asked making herself comfortable.

"Sure. Are you new around here?" I asked looking at her.

"Yeah I just moved here a week ago and just finished getting settled in." She nodded.

"Where are you from?" I questioned, happy for the distraction.

"New Jersey." 

"How old are you?" I asked placing my hands in my lap.

"17 how about you?" She  countered.


"So why do you look so sad?" She asked. Straight to the point. She isn't a shy one!

"It's complicated." I sighed.

"Oh I see. A boy?" She asked and I snorted. 

"Part of it but nothing like that." I assured.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, how about you?" 

"No, but I saw this boy earlier walking and he was really cute." She giggled. I raised an eyebrow at her. Soooo....she was one of those girly boy crazy girls. Sounds like Sarah. I forced that thought out of my head and looked at her.

"Really? What did he look like?" I inquired.

"Well he looked about  my age. He was a little taller than me. He had short spiked brown hair, green eyes, and a beautiful smile. He was super CUTE!" She sighed dreamily.

"That sounds like Jasper......I will introduce you later." I smiled. I didn't know a lot of people but Jasper was the only boy that fit that description. And he was around this area. It couldn't hurt her to meet him either way.

"You actually know him!" She asked in excitement.

"Well I don't know if it is the same guy but Jaz matches the description." I laughed. Her face was priceless.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go woman!" Missy exclaimed jumping up.

"Slow your horses." I laughed standing up and brushing myself off.

"Please? I'd be your bestest friend ever!" She said giving me a puppy dog face. I could be a psycho killer leading her to her death. She is a very trusting girl. Or maybe she was leading me away to kill me. Oh well. Everyone has to die sometime.

"Well you don't really have that much competition on that anyway." 

"What? You don't have any friends?" She asked shocked.

"Well my older brother and a 8 year old. Other than that not really." I shrugged.

"Well you just made another friend!" She declared hugging me. Too trusting or serial killer. I am dying to find out how this ends. Ha! I may have just made the best pun ever.

"Thanks. Let's go we have an appointment with a spikey haired dude." I teased leading the way.

"YAY!" She jumped up and down makimg me laugh again. I was not too thrilled to see Marc however. I hoped Jasper was still there. But I promised Nick I'd come back anyway so I'm just coming earlier than expected.

"Here is Marc Rivers' house. Jasper doesn't live here but he is Marc's best friend and he was here when I left. Maybe he is still here." I stated and she was beaming.

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