Chapter 3 - Woman what?

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Samantha's POV


 "Heck no. I'll be leaving now." I said nervously reaching for the belt.

"Oh no you won't hottie." Marc said grabbing my arm.

"UGH!" I groaned hopelessly and he laughed. He got out and came around to my side and opened the door. Marc put his arm around me as he unbuckled the belt lifting me out of the car.

"Can you at least let me walk since your holding me captive?" I asked.


"Put me down. I can walk." I sighed. I really feel helpless right now. I don't like it.

"No you can't." He disagreed.

"Yes I can." 

"Prove it." Marc challenged, putting me down.

"Fine." I started walking but stumbled a little. I turned to see if he was looking at me.

"Don't even think about it. I'll just catch you and bring you back." He declared grinning. I pouted but began walking again, almost losing my balance. Dang!

"See? You can't walk."

"Yes I can." I denied stubbornly, moving faster.

"No you can't. You look drunk." Marc reasoned laughing , coming over to pick me up once again.

"You're a jack ass you know that?" 

"So I've been told." 

As we entered Marc's house, I saw a boy around our age sitting on the couch watching TV. I recognized him right away as Marc's best friend Jasper. He looked up and when he spotted me, he jumped to his feet.

"What the heck did you do to her Marc?" Jasper panicked, rushing over to me.

"Nothing." Marc replied offended.

"He womannapped me, made me hit my head, and harassed me." I answered glaring at Marc.

"Woman what?" Jasper asked confused.

"I'm a woman not a kid. Instead of kidnap it is womannap. Gosh it is not that confusing." I explained.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, What are you doing here Jasper?" Marc asked curiously.

"Well I came to see you obviously. But when I got here you weren't here so I decided to wait. But I didn't think you would show up holding someone hostage." Jasper responded in amusement.

"What did you come here for you retard?" Marc asked in annoyance.

"To see if you wanted to hang with me and some of the guys but I see your busy...." Jasper said with a wink towards me. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. "I tried to call but you didn't answer. I guess you were busy trying to ki-" I gave him a look. "Womannap someone." He added with a smirk.

"Shut up." Marc growled.

"Well see you when you're done with your new toy. Have fun....." Jasper looked at me expectantly.

"Samantha." I mumbled.

"Right....well have fun Sam I am." Jasper said ruffling my hair as he passed us, heading towards the door. Just then, two other boys walked in. One looked older than Marc and the other was a lot younger.

"What did you do now Marc?" The oldest one asked coming up to us as the other one followed.

"Nothing Eric." Marc sounded agitated. Serves him right.

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