Chapter 16 - Better than the average bear

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I was her first kiss? For some reason that made me happy. I was proud of that fact.

"Why did you guys embarrass her like that?" I asked them as soon as I heard the guest room door shut.

"We didn't mean to. We were just joking around with her and when she started blushing, it was cute." Jasper whispered guiltily.

"You know we like playing with her. She is fun to tease. You know we didn't mean any harm." Missy agreed.

"Maybe I should go apologize." She added concerned.

"No it is ok. You to should head on out before it gets too late. I will see you tomorrow." I assured and they nodded.

"Good night Marc." Missy said as her and Jasper hugged me. As soon as they left I headed to the guest room to check on Samantha. I quietly opened the door and peeked in to see her already in her PJ's and in bed. She was looking down at her cell phone and had a small smile on her face. I stepped in and closed the door behind me and walked over to her.


As soon as I was in the guest room, I went and grabbed some PJ's out of my bag that I took from home earlier that week. I quickly changed and got in bed as my phone buzzed. I looked at it to see a text from Missy and Jasper.

Missy: 'I am sorry about what I did. I would have come and apologized before I left but Marc told me it would be better to go ahead and go home. I really didn't mean any harm. I just got caught up in joking around to realize how I was making you feel. I love you. I am sorry. Forgive me? I will do anything! You mean the world to me. I cannot lose you.'

Jasper: 'Hey Rosey.....I am really and truly sorry about cornering you like I did. I hope I didn't upset you too badly. You know I love you to pieces right? You are like the little sister I never had. I don't want to lose you as a friend. Please forgive me? I will give you the 'Jazz Pass' for a month! You can tease and embarrass me all you want and I cannot retaliate! Sounds fun right?....Love you Rosey...'

I couldn't help but smile as I read the two texts from my two best friends. I quickly replied telling them it was ok and that I was not upset with them. I took advantage of the 'Jazz Pass' though......that would be fun. I couldn't stay upset with them though. They got carried away and I know they didn't mean any harm. As soon as I sent my reply, I put my phone on silent and sat it down on the bedside table. I gave my nose a little scratch. This brace was aggravating. I had a clean break so I knew it would only be a couple more days before I could get out of this thing. I took the brace off deciding it would be ok to leave it off tonight. As I placed the brace on the table, the side of the bed sunk down and I jumped like a kangaroo. I looked to see Marc sitting next to me smiling sheepishly. Yeah! He knew what I was going to say.

"Yo! Ninja Marc! Try not to give me a panic attack would ya?" I scolded and he chuckled.

"Sorry. Keep forgetting how easy it is to scare you. Imagine what would happen if I was actually TRYING to scare you?" His eyes lit up at the thought.

"You would be dead." I stated simply and he laughed.

"Yeah. I have no doubt about that." He teased. Then I thought about what had happened not too long ago and felt my face heat up.

"What are you here for?" I asked casually trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Just making sure you're ok." 

"Yup. I am just fine." I answered as normally as possible. I heard him laugh and looked at him questionably.

"You are something else." 

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