Chapter 18 - Be Nice

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING MY STORY AND FUTURE READERS! SPECIAL THANKS TO @andisawyourlight once again for being a great friend/little sister! And thanks to @paradisia for being my favorite multicolored SHARPIE!!! And finally, thanks to @ThunderCallsforMe for all the critique and helpful tips and such! I really do appreciate it! Tried to be more descriptive and such. Hope I did ok. Not that great at it. Lol ENJOY AND COMMENT/VOTE/FAN! Only if I deserve it though! Let me know what ya think! MADE THIS CHAPTER LONG SINCE I MADE YALL WAIT! :D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Most of the day went by without a hitch. It was almost dinner time and I had not heard from my father. I was actually surprised Aaron had not said anything about us going to see dad today. I mean, it is Christmas after all. Not that I am complaining. I just find it weird.

I was now wearing one of the outfits Damon and Emily had gotten me. It consisted of a beautiful purple flowy top with black, rather comfortable, skinny jeans. I was surprised that it seemed to fit perfectly considering I never told them what size I wore. Aaron kept making comments about how I was too "hot" in this outfit. He said that I should change into something less cute considering I was around a room filled of mostly boys. We all knew he was joking though. Jasper was with Missy so there was no harm there. Nick was a little kid so what was he going to do? Not to mention the fact, he thought of me and Missy as big sisters. Damon was old enough to be my dad, and acted like it too. Plus he was married. I doubted I had anything to worry about with Eric considering he acted like a brother to me. I was really quite shocked by how protective he was of me already. The only other male around was Marc. But now that we are friends, I am sure that is all he sees me as.

"I'M HUNGRY!!" Jasper whined from the tan colored couch that currently occupied him, Missy, Marc and I.

"You are ALWAYS hungry." I countered.

"True. But that doesn't mean yall have to starve me!" He argued and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Stop being such a whiny baby!" Nick said from the matching tan love seat across from us. He was sitting with Damon who just chuckled.

"I am not a whiny baby!" Jasper gasped.

"Um. You kind of are acting kind of childish." Missy began holding back a laugh.

"Yes you are. I mean, even Nick is acting more mature right now." I added and couldn't help but laugh at the betrayed look on his face.

"I see how it is! You girls ALWAYS take the "adorable" little Nick's side!" Jasper pouted as he crossed his arms in defiance.

"Such a drama queen." I muttered shaking my head in amusement. Before he could argue, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Aaron volunteered cheerfully. I looked at Eric to see a smile on his face as well. This wouldn't be good. I could feel it.

"Who is it?" I asked looking at Eric but he only smiled and shook his head. I looked at Missy and Jasper who shared the same expression. I felt my stomach start to twist in knots.

"Marc?" I asked hoping he would tell me but he looked just as confused as me.

"I don't know. No one told me we were expecting anyone. All of our family is out of state." He said. Just then, Aaron reappeared in the living room with a big goofy grin on his face but no one was with him. I was nervous but slightly relieved.

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