Chapter 12 - What happened!?

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Samantha's POV

The whole house was pitch black. I was scared shitless. I knew what was coming and I knew it would be even worse than before. I did not hear any movement in the house. I listened to hear if I heard Marc drive by. I heard a car near but I did not know if it was him or not. I used my hand to feel my way to the window to peek out quickly. I saw his car in the distance going in the opposite direction. Thank God. I slowly turned back around and quietly walked toward my room. My legs were shaking beneath me. I was in pain just thinking about the pain I was about to endure. I reached the end of the hall when the lights flickered on. I turned around quickly to see my father standing a few feet in front of me. He was staring at me and glanced occasionally at the beer bottle in his hand. He took a swig then tossed the bottle on the floor next to him making me flinch.

"Long time no see...." He said in a low voice. I did not dare to say anything. I did not want to give him any more of a reason to kick my ass. His eyes were cold as ice. Even scarier than before. He was high I could tell. He stepped closer to me but I never moved. I don't think I could even if I tried. I just stood there.

"You know I have to punish you for your disobedience right?" He asked. He acted like he thought this was my fault. Like I deserved this? I just stood silent and clinched my teeth. He flickered a menacing grin at me.

"You know what?......Never mind. You're off the hook this time." He said turning to walk away. I was shocked. He has never did that before. Was I dreaming? I relaxed a little but not much. Things still felt weird in here. I looked around the room. As I turned to look at my father, a hand collided with the side of my face hard. I fell to the ground holding my cheek.

"Ha! You believed that bullshit? Like I would let you go that easily!" He snorted with amusement. He grabbed my arm forcefully and brought me to my feet.

"You are a real bitch! You know that? You are lucky I put up with you!" He growled. He bawled up his fist and threw a punch directly in my nose with all his strength. I am sure I just heard it break. He threw another hit into my jaw a couple of times. I could taste the blood. That last hit made me bite my tongue. He pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the ribs a few good times making me crumple over into a ball. He then grabbed me by my hair and started slinging me around.

"Next time you will do what I say you fucking slut!" He spat.

"STOP!!" I chocked out. He slapped me hard.

"Next time think before you act! And think before you go back over to that boys house bitch!" He growled.

"STOP IT! GET OFF OF ME AND LEAVE ME ALONE! AND STAY AWAY FROM THEM! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I screamed. He put his hand around my neck and beat me some more.

"YOU DAMN PIECE OF SHIT! DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU BITCH!" He yelled. I continued to try and fight him but he was too strong for me once again. Eventually I just blacked out not knowing what happened next.


The next morning I woke up with a massive migraine. I was in major pain all over. I slowly got up from the floor and walked to my bathroom. Every step hurt like a bitch. Thank god I was alone. My father was gone by now. I peeled off my clothes and stepped into the shower. As soon as I was done I stepped out and dried off. I put on some loose jeans and a long sleeved turtle neck shirt to help cover up the bruises. Good thing it was December. I dried my hair and put it into a loose bun. I retrieved my make-up and applied it to my face. I covered up every bruise and cut I could find. My face was swollen especially my nose. I could tell my nose was broken. I search for my old nose brace thingy. Yes this has happened more than once before so I know what to do. I aligned my nose as straight as possible and placed the small brace over it. I looked in the mirror when I was finished and studied myself closely. My face looked ok. I could not see any bruises or scratches. This black eye was tough to cover up. I had to cake on the makeup to have it presentable. The only thing I had to worry about was my nose. I released my hair and let it hang down. That would help cover up anything I may have missed. I looked at the time. It is 9:45 a.m. I promised Nick I would come over. I will wait until about 12 though. That way I could say I fell off my skateboard and broke my nose. It is not too farfetched. I grabbed my skateboard and left a few minutes later. I skated around for a couple hours. I also sat and looked at the sky a while and would skate again. This continued back and forth till 11:45. I decided I should hurry up and go to the Rivers' house. As soon as I got there I took a few seconds to get my thoughts together then knocked. I heard someone walking toward the door. I took a deep breath and watched as the door opened.

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