Chapter 15 - One to Ten

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Thursday, December 24th

A few days had passed since that day under the bridge. It was after 9 that night when we finally got back to Marc's, no one questioned me like I thought they would. We all just went to bed and called it a night. Missy and Jaz had told me that Marc had texted them, telling them they better not question me or give me any funny looks when we returned. I couldn't help but smile. I appreciated it more than he knew. Apparently, Aaron had been sleeping over at our father's house every night and returned the next morning. Marc and I had become really good friends. He kept his promise and never said anything about what he knew and I spent every night with either the River's or over at Missy's. Aaron seemed confused about why I had never stayed at home or why I never visited dad. I convinced him that I did visit dad while he was with Eric or something. He seemed to believe me and I felt bad for lying to him but I had no choice. I knew that our father, Greg, wouldn't say anything to Aaron about my lie. After all, he didn't want anyone asking questions. He had called me a couple times warning me about what would happen if anyone found out and would ask why I wasn't coming home. I knew he was angry that I was away. I convinced him that it was better for me to stay away while Aaron was down and surprisingly, he agreed. But I knew shit would hit the fan as soon as Aaron returned to school. I wasn't planning on going back home because I had promised Marc I wouldn't. Although, I was concerned about what would happen once Aaron was gone. I would no longer have an excuse for my father as to why I hadn't returned. I couldn't tell him Marc knew. And I knew that Greg would be beyond pissed about me staying away. I had been thinking about all of this for the past few days none stop. I felt like I was a ticking time bomb about to explode any second.

"Yo! Earth to Rose! Remember me? Highly adorable, best friend's boyfriend, Jasper Benson here! Trying to get a certain dark haired chicks attention, who has been zoning out for the past few minutes!" Jasper began waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked realizing I was still in the living room with Jaz and Missy.

"What? Oh! Sorry about that." I smiled sheepishly.

"What were you thinking about so hard?" Missy asked curiously.

"Just about what I got you for Christmas. I can barely contain my excitement!" I answered hoping they would believe me. It wasn't a complete lie. I was excited about the gifts I got them but obviously, I had more disturbing issues at hand.

"Wellllll.......since it is tearing you up so much, I will make an exception just for you and allow you to give me my gift early. That is just how much I love you." Jasper offered hopefully.

"Nice try Ben Ben! But you have to wait like everyone else!" I teased and he stuck his tongue out in my direction.

"You are a mean, mean little girl. And stop calling me that!" Jasper groaned. Missy and I laughed.

"Sorry Jaz! You know I love you! And by the way, blame Marc for the Ben Ben thing. You know how much of a bad influence he is on me." I said hugging him with an innocent grin. He rolled his eyes.

"And to think, all this time I thought you were immune to his charm. I thought you hated him. I thought I finally had an ally but no. You have succumbed to the dark side with demon boy. You had so much promise." Jasper sighed jokingly shaking his head in disappointment.

"Oh don't worry! It is all an act! I am getting close to the enemy so I can get dirt on him! You know you are my true partner in crime!" I exclaimed with an evil laugh.

"What about me? I thought I was your evil twin!" Missy gasped faking offence.

"Oh sweetie, you know you are always my number one!" I said lunging across Jaspers lap and tackling Missy down on the couch. My legs were across Jasper's lap as I laid on top of Missy and gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.

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