Chapter 2 - Detention

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After School

Walking down the now empty hallway, I made my way to detention. I prayed Marc would skip. Upon entering, I noticed it was only the teacher and I. Relieved, I took a seat.

"Miss Rose, I am stepping out of the class for a few moments so stay in your seat." The teacher instructed before leaving.

"At least I'm alone." I sighed just before the door opened revealing the devil himself.

"I spoke too soon." I muttered under my breath.

"Well hello. We meet again." Marc took the seat directly behind me. I ignored him.

"Don't be like that baby." He cooed leaning forward, putting his chin on my shoulder as he wraped his arms around my waist.

"WHAT THE HECK!" I squeaked jumping out of my seat.

"Did I do something wrong?" He mocked innocently.

"Ummmm......Yeah!" I hissed glaring at him.

"What would that be baby?" he inquired standing from his seat. Marc bagan to approach me prompting me to quickly back up a couple of steps.

"Get away from me!" I ordered keeping my eyes on his advancing body.

"Oh come on you know you want me." Marc thought he was all that and a bag of chips didn't he? Sure he was really nice looking but that doesn't mean he is god's gift to women!

"Your right. I do want you. I want you to leave me the HELL alone!" I growled continuing my retreat.

"Sure you do." He waved dismissively.

"SCREW THIS!" I yelled storming out of the classroom. I would just have to deal with the consequences. I was NOT going to put up with this jackass.

"I would if you would stay still." He laughed following me. I started running toward the entrentrance doors. Turning around, I didn't see him so I began to slow my pace. I was down to a brisk walk when someone grabbed me, slamming me against the lockers. Shit!

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled squirming but he held me against the lockers with ease. He was really strong.

"LET! ME! GO!" I snarled gritting my teeth.

"And why would I do that?" Marc asked leaning his body against mine.

"So I don't cut your manhood off!"

"Playing hard to get I see." Marc declared not moving an inch.

"Who says I'm playing?" I attempted to push him away from me.

"I know you are."

"Not everyone thinks you are all that! I personally would be much happier if you didn't even exist!" I argued with a huff. Who did he think he was? Wasn't I clear that I did NOT want him anywhere near me?

"There is no need to lie to yourself. We both know you want me. Don't worry I won't tell anyone." Marc gave his signature smile.

"The heck I ....." He began kissing me roughly. My eyes went wide in shock as he pulled away.

"WHAT THE FU...." I was cut off yet again by his skillful mouth. This time he grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him. With all my might, I pushed him and took off running toward the metal double doors of freedom. What was that?! I can't believe my first kiss was with MARC FRIGGIN RIVERS! I heard him behind me and I ran faster. As soon as I made it outside, I just kept running. I did not want to go home but where was I going? Sprinting down the road, I was taken aback by a Porsche passing before coming to a sudden stop in front of me. Marc got out and looked at me.

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