Chapter One: Micah

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I dedicate this chapter to Amyscene. Biting Jasper was the second BOYXBOY story I read and fell in love with. Thank you for being a inspiration. Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!

He was staring at me again. He did it when he thought I wasn't paying him any attention... which was very often. Declan Crawford was known to the student population as the 'Everybody's Guy'. He didn't just hang with one specific group or have certain friends. The entire student body was his friend. I met him freshman year at soccer try outs. His brother McClane Crawford was known as the soccer god of Murphy Kennedy High. So when try outs rolled around Declan came out. We all thought he was just trying to fill his brother's shoes but in reality he could handle his own.

He made varsity that year and was named co-captain. By sophomore year he was named team captain and has been ever since. We use to be close, almost like friends until that incident with Todd Walters. I'd been raised to believe men don't stare at other men. Especially the way Todd was staring at me. It was like he'd been hypnotized by my naked flesh or something. I didn't think just reacted. After some of the other guys pulled me off I realized what I'd done.

Todd lay there curled somewhat in a ball, blood everywhere. His parents filed charges against me and I had to go to court. Since I'd never been in trouble before all I was given was court ordered anger management classes. Of course the Walters didn't think it was enough and withdrew Todd from school. I've always regretted that day. So instead of being known as 'The Jock' I was known as 'The Homophobic Jock'. No matter what I said or did people always thought of me as homophobic.

After a month or so it was like the incident had been forgotten and life went back to normal... or at least somewhat normal. From then on Declan steered clear of me. He wasn't rude or anything it's just he didn't linger. When we passed one another in the halls he spoke with a friendly wave and a dazzling smile but I could tell it didn't reach his eyes. I just knew deep in my bones, Declan Crawford was afraid of me... and I couldn't understand why.

I watched him glance over again but then shake his head and look away as if he was agruing with himself. From then on he kept his eyes to himself but I couldn't keep mine from wandering. When the bell rang I watched him collect his books and bag and laugh at Megan as she almost tripped over her chair. He was about to turn my direction when Megan grabbed his arm and pushed him in the opposite direction. Snatching my folder off my desk top I followed them from the room.

 "Yo Micah!" Sean yelled from down the hall. Taking his hand we did our manly bro hand shake then started towards the cafeteria.
 "He did it again." I said, my voice somewhat low. I knew Sean heard me over the noise of the hallway. I watched him raise a brow then shake his head.

 "Any murderous feelings rise when you caught him?" He asked. Rolling my eyes I pushed his arm making his collide into a group of girls. As he charmed his way through their group I thought about what he said. When I caught Todd eye balling me I wanted to kill him. When Declan stared at me I felt... nothing. Well probably not nothing. I felt something, I just don't know what it is. Starting back down the hall I spotted him ahead of us. He and his lunch group laughed and talk to one another while I stood in the shadows watching.

 "Snap out of it man. It isn't that serious." Sean said bumping me back. I followed everyone to the cafeteria while deep in my own thoughts. Grabbing my food I watched from the line as he took his seat and popped a few fries into his mouth. If I'd been paying attention I would have avoided Katlin.
 "Micah, where have you been today. I've missed my pookie bear." She cooed in my ear. Jerking away I looked to her and frowned. Pookie bear... really? Taking a soda from the machine I went to pay for my food with Katlin following.

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