6- History Repeating

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Maya's POV

For the past week, I hadn't gone to school because I was sick. I barely had enough energy to get out of bed. I had painful headaches that would come and go. There was a constant feeling of nausea making it hard to eat a full meal without throwing up.

The doctor said it was just a cold, and my body was under a lot of stress. It was recommended that I stayed home until I felt better. I never did feel better, though. Every day it seemed to be getting worse.

This morning was no better than the one before. I woke up with a massive headache and felt a wave of nausea. I groaned as a sharp pain shot up from the nape of my neck. I cried out in agony. My door opened, and Matthew rushed to my side.

"It hurts," I whimpered, trying to open my eyes.

"What hurts?" He asked.

"My head."

He left to get me medicine, and I started coughing. I could see a dark red substance on my arm through my blurred vision. Rebecca walked in and froze.

"No!" She wailed.

I ran into the bathroom and vomited blood into the toilet. I heaved over and over until I could no longer hold myself up. I collapsed on the floor. I couldn't move. Rebecca and Matthew were blurry figures on the darkening horizon in my eyes.

"Maya, please! Stay with us. Look at me," she begged as the world faded to black.


I woke up to beeping noises and shoes squeaking against the floor. I didn't know where I was. There was a needle in my arm and I was hooked up to a machine. I figured it was a hospital.

"She's awake," someone said.

I turned to my left and saw Matthew, Rebecca, and Noah sitting next to me.

"What's going on? Why am I in here?" I asked.

"You were throwing up and you fainted. Remember?" Matthew asked.

The memories of what happened came back all at once. It made my head hurt again. The nurse gave me some medicine, and the doctor walked in.

"Hello. Ah, you're awake," he said. "So I was going over Maya's file and I have a few concerns. If you don't mind, I would like to get an MRI scan before you leave."

"Why?" Rebecca asked. She seemed nervous.

"We just want to make sure everything's okay. Has she had any seizures that aren't in the chart, or have you noticed any personality changes?"

They shook their heads. Satisfied with their answers, I was wheeled out of the room on my hospital bed.

"You're just going to lay down here and go into the machine. It might take a while," the doctor said after I changed into a hospital gown.

I lay down on the metal and felt myself slowly go into the machine. I closed my eyes, feeling another headache coming on. Those stupid meds weren't working.

The loud noise from the machine was scaring me. It sounded like someone was pounding on metal with a hammer. You'd think living with four idiots would make you immune to loud noises. I guess not.


Finally, I was able to get out. The doctor went to check out the images. Matthew squeezed my knee. He gave me a warm smile, but there was sadness behind it.

"Everything's going to be okay," he whispered.

I think he was saying that to reassure himself more than me. Rebecca grabbed his hand and held it in her shaking one.

The doctor came back in and took off his glasses. A cliché move is used when someone was about to tell bad news.

This is gonna be good...not.

"I'm sad to say this, but Maya has a tumor in her brain, stage three," he said.

"No," Rebecca mumbled. Tears were forming in her stormy gray eyes.

"At the moment, we are unable to remove it surgically without causing damage. We need to start chemotherapy and possibly radiation later on. Any questions? I know this can be very overwhelming."

"What are the chances of survival?" Noah asked.

Of course, he would ask that.

"Fifty-five percent. But those numbers can change. I'm very sorry. You can make an appointment with the oncologist," the doctor said and left.

I stayed silent as I waited for them to finish making my appointment. I wanted to call Thomas or Leila but I didn't. I'd tell them tomorrow. Today had already been too long.

That's when it hit me.

I was potentially dying.

Michael's POV

I sat on the couch with Zoe next to me. I had my arm around her as we watched TV.

It'd been a few weeks since management put us together. We'd been hanging out a lot, and she was actually really cool. I think I might've been starting to like her as more than a friend.

All the guys ran down on the couch and started playing FIFA, turning off what we were watching.

"Really, guys?" I said.

"What?" Luke said.

I was about to say something but was cut off by a knock at the door. I got up and opened it. It was Mrs. LaFer.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

I opened the door all the way and sat back down on the couch. She took a seat on the recliner and gave me a solemn look.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news about Maya," she said.

The guys turned off the game and paid attention to her. My heart started pounding, and my hands were sweating.

"Did something happen to her?" Calum asked.

"Maya was diagnosed with brain cancer."

Maya's POV

I shut my laptop and rubbed my eyes. My phone kept going off with messages from the guys. I answered them and went on Twitter.

@Michael5SOS: Maya was diagnosed with brain cancer and it's bad. Send love to her. I love you baby girl @Maya_5SOS

@Luke5SOS: My little sister Maya has cancer. Please send wishes and pray she gets better

@Calum5SOS: Send prayers to Maya. She has stage 3 brain cancer, starting chemo soon

@Ashton5SOS: Sending love to Maya. I'm not losing hope

I went to the living room and heard Matthew and Rebecca talking. I pressed myself against the wall and listened.

"Why, Matt? Why are we being punished?" Rebecca cried.

"We're not being punished, honey. Just tested," he said.

"This is just a repeat of Isabella. I know it is and it'll have the same outcome."

"Don't say that. It'll be okay."

"But what if something happens to Maya? I was so excited when I found out we were going to be her foster parents. She reminds me so much of Isabella. I don't want to lose her, too. I don't want to go through that again," she said.

"If she's anything like Isabella, then she'll fight just as hard."

I silently walk down the hall to my room. I stared at the name on the ceiling. I knew I could never replace Isabella. I was just their foster daughter.

Isabella died of brain cancer. And now, history was repeating.

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