42- Graduation

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Maya's POV

Graduation. The day I'd been waiting for since I stepped through those doors for what felt like the first time, even though it wasn't.

I thought I'd have to stay behind after losing my memories but I did online school and managed to catch up with the rest of my grade. That's what I needed after everything I went through. I needed to graduate with my friends.

I looked to my right and made eye contact with Thomas He gave me a warm smile that I returned before turning back to face the stage.

My name was called, and I made my way to the podium. The dean had asked me a few weeks ago to prepare a speech for today. I looked out at all the people waiting for me to speak. Thomas indicated for me to go.

I started to speak when something happened. I felt lightheaded and grabbed the podium. Images flashed through my head.


Michael and Luke sat in front of me on the couch in an orphanage.

"How would you like for me to adopt you?"


"I'm Nicholas."



"Maya! Where are you?" Michael yelled.

"I'm in my bunk."

"I saw what you tweeted. I know you saw the hate."

"Dad, I don't care about hate. I won't let it get to me. They're just jealous. At the end of the day, I'm the one who lives with you. I'm the one who gets cuddles and guitar lessons. I'm the one who gets to know what color your hair is first. I'm your daughter," I said.

"I love you so much, Maya. I just don't want to lose you."


"They're going to take me away from you," I cried into Dad's shoulder.

"No, they won't. I'm going to fight for you."


"I'm sad to say this, but Maya has brain cancer. Stage three."


"Uncle Cal!" I said and ran into Calum's arms. "What are you doing here?"

"I adopted you. You're coming back home."


I was on the roof with a stranger, who just gave me the best advice. He started to walk away. I stopped him when he got to the door.

"I never got your name," I called out.

"Haydn. Haydn Mills."


"You relapsed," Uncle Cal said.

"Dad, what does that mean?" I asked.

"It's back, sweetheart. The cancer. It came back."


Everyone looked at me, confused and concerned. Michael--no. Dad looked at me, knowing what happened.

I straightened myself out and began my speech.

"Over the past four years, each of us has had experiences that made us the people we are today and the people we will be later in life. We've lost friends, gained friends, gone through breakups, lost loved ones. Something happened that changed us. It changed our way of thinking; how we thought about others or ourselves. We're not the same people we were back in year nine." I stopped for a second to relax my pounding heart. "We've all made memories with each other. Each of us has impacted at least one other person in this room. Our lives have been affected by someone we met in high school. I want everyone to look at the person to your left and then the person to your right. I want you to remember them because you never know when you might forget. I lost three years' worth of memories last year when the doctors found a way to get rid of the cancer in my brain. And I stand before you today with all of them back. We're moving on with this part of our lives and starting our future, but that doesn't mean we have to forget it. Thank you."

I sat back down next to Thomas and laced our hands together. He squeezed mine lightly and kissed my temple.

"You were wonderful," he said.

"All graduates, please stand," the dean said.

We stood up in sync. I looked at the people around me. Today was the last day I'd see some of them for the rest of my life.

"Congratulations, class of 2019!"

We all removed our caps and threw them in the air. I grabbed Thomas by the collar of his robe and pressed his lips to mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held on tight. I leaned my forehead against his.

"I did it, Thomas. I graduated! I made it," I said happily.

"I know. I'm so proud of you. We made it," he said back and kissed me again.


After graduation, Dad drove me to the cemetery. I was so glad I could call him that again without feeling awkward or feeling like there was an emptiness behind it.

He parked in front of a grave, and I got out. Having already removed my gown, I stood before the grave in the dress I had underneath. It felt like forever since I last came here.

"I did it, Nicky. I graduated high school. I got my memories back. I remember you. I remember all the things we did together and it made me fall in love all over again. Are you proud of me, Nick? I hope you are. Thomas kept his promise to protect me, just like you asked. I'm not going to forget you again because it felt like shit when I did. I love you, Nick. I'll see you again one day," I said and went back to the car.

"So, how's it feel graduating high school?" Dad asked.

"It feels amazing," I said.

I suddenly choked up. A few tears made their way down my face. Dad gripped my hand.

"Don't cry, sweetheart. I know you're going to miss your friends, but it'll be okay," he said.

"It's not that. Dad, I graduated! I'm alive. I'm going to college. I got my memories back. All of them," I said.

"I know, baby girl. You should've seen my face when I heard you say that. I'm so proud of you. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter," he said.

"And I couldn't have asked for a better father."

As we drove home, I let my mind wander. If you told me five years ago that I would be adopted by a famous person, I'd laugh in your face and tell you you were crazy.

But look at where I was now. I had an amazing boyfriend, my friends, my family, and my memories. The past few years had been a hell of a ride, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Yeah, I went through some tough shit, but it all turned out okay.

Here I was, eighteen years old, with cancer free, and going to college. I'd been adopted, in love, kidnapped, sick, arrested, and lost all the memories I had of my favorite people in the world.

And I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Who knew all of this would happen when I was adopted by Michael Clifford?

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