Chapter 26 - The Secret.

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It was the next day. I woke up and checked the clock ... 1:30pm. WHAT!! It's the afternoon! I have never slept in this bad.

I got out of bed and had a quick shower. I walked back into my room after the shower put my hair into a messy bun and put on my Vamps jumper and some leggings. After I was all already I walked downstairs.

I walked into the living room and no one was there. Where could they be? I checked the kitchen, basement, outside but there was still no sign of them. They must have gone for a walk somewhere or gone to the studio to write.

I made myself some breakfast/dinner and sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen ready to start eating my food.

I was just about to text the boys in the little group chat we have were they are. When I looked up and saw a piece of paper sat on the counter top with my name on it.

I picked it up and open it up and it said:

'Morning lazy bones. Look at you sleeping in. We have gone to the studio because Jo wanted to talk to us about something. We are planning to come back around 2, we have planned a surprise for you when we come back. No I'm not going to give you hints. All I am going to say is, dress for a place that is warm. Love you, James xx'

I looked up at the clock and it said 1:45. OMG, I have 15 minutes to get ready. I ran up stairs and into my room. Opened my closet. What can I wear! Oh yeah I can wear my white floaty crop top with my high waisted shorts. I quickly picked them out and put them on. Now for my hair. I took my out of my bun and my hair had natural curls so left it. For my makeup, I only put on some concealer on my spots and abit of mascara on. I quickly collected some accessories and my bag and ran down the stairs ready for the boys to come back any minute. (the outfit is the picture at the start of the chapter).

it was as if they knew I was ready because as soon as I got down the stairs they were at the door waiting.

"Hi guys, how was it? What did Jo say?" I said as they all took their shoes off and walked into the room.

"It was great Ellie, but we have some news" Brad answered when we were all sat on the sofas.

"Brad I don't think its the best time to tell her, why don't we have some food and then take Ellie on her surprise" James said to Brad.

"I totally agree, whos up for pizza?" Connor added.

What is it they need to tell me? Why can't they tell me now? All these questions were going through my head but I guess I just have to trust them and enjoy the rest of the day they have planned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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